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a/n: sorry for the wait.


Hot water ran down my naked body. It was currently almost seven o'clock in the morning and Jordan had asked me if I wanted to meet the other cast members and see the set. I had met the majority of the cast but not been at the set. I would lie if I said that I wasn't excited. I've been a big fan of Vikings before I met Jordan.

"Babe, you need to hurry. We need to leave in 15," Jordan said on the other side of the shower curtain. I only hummed without moving. The shower was extremely comfortable and outside it was dark, cold and grey clouds covered the sky. "Babe," Jordan said in a warning tone when he was done brushing his teeth.

"I'm coming," I said and turned off the shower. With a fluffy towel around my body I quickly blowdried my hair. I had typical Scandinavian hair, fine hair that dried quickly. I had already brushed my teeth before showering so all that was left to do was getting dressed.

Jordan stood in the hallway as I left our shared bedroom. His face was lit up by the light from his phone. I was dressed in a pair of high waisted black jeans, grey hoodie with a white t shirt under neath. I took my black coat, boots and phone before looking at the clock.

"I made it in 10," I said and smiled at him. Jordan locked his phone and gave me a smile as his eyes traveled over my body from head to toe. He gave me a wink before he pulled me closer and I blushed.

"You look gorgeous as always," He mumbled before giving me a kiss. I kissed back and enjoyed the feeling of his lips on mine. I sneaked my hand around his neck and pulled him closer as his hands found my waist. My tongue found his bottom lip and he smiled before pulling away. "As much as I loved to we need to go," He said and kissed my forehead.

It was rather crowded on the set. People were walking around, make up artists and other staff. Jordan took my hand before leading me towards the trailers. I could spot tents, huts, cameras and even more people. A smile spread across my lips when I spotted Marco and Alex.

"Jordan!" They shouted with big smiles covering their faces. Their smiles widen even more if possible when they spotted me with their friend.

"Y/n! Long time no see," Marco said as he opened his arms for me.

"Yeah, I could've sworn that Jordan had locked you up somewhere for some rekindling after all that intense filming for season 4," Alex said wiggling his eyebrows as I hugged Marco and I bursted into laughter. I only shook my head as I pulled away from Marco to hug the other danish actor.

"You're an idiot," I mumbled into the hug. We talked for a while before they had to meet the knew cast for this new season. I stood in the background as they all got introduced each other. There was a few guys that kept looking in my direction but I simply ignored it.

Alex, Marco, Jordan and I were seated on a few chairs with cups of coffee as Ida joined us. It was nice to see her again. We had grown close and I enjoyed her company. We had some crazy memories together all five of you. Parties, pranks, games and anything you could think off had brought us close together.

"Have you noticed those cute new guys checking you out," Ida asked me in a low voice to prevent Jordan from hearing. I frowned as I took a sip of coffee from the plastic cup.

"What no!" I said in a low whisper and she nodded towards the entrance of the tent. The same guys from earlier walked inside and one of them winked in my direction. Ida saw the whole thing and tried to hide the smile covering her lips as she turned to look at my light pink cheeks.

"Don't" I said and she only chuckled. With a light shade of pink staining my cheeks I looked at Jordan who were in deep conversation with the boys. He quickly looked up at me and winked when he noticed me staring which deepened my blush.

VIKINGS CAST IMAGINES [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now