ALEX - Drunk in love Pt. 2

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a/n: thought this suited with the drunk in love story.


For the past hour you and Georgia had been getting ready for some pre partying at your place. We had invited our crew consisting of Jordan, Alex and Marco. Gee were placing some drinks on the coffee table as you were groaning as you tried to get your lashes on.

"Fückily fück, stupid eyelashes," You cursed which made Gee laugh. "F-ing yes, finally," You groaned when they got in place. You had bought a new pair of lashes a few weeks ago and had worn them to a few parties. You had mentally promised yourself not to fall asleep with these on as the others which had ruined them.

"Come here babe, I've poured us some drinks," Gee said and you made your way over. She handed you your drink as you sat beside her on the very comfortable couch. You took a sip of the drink and nodded.

"This is really good Gee," You said and gave her a wink.

"So what's the deal between you and Alex these days," Gee asked and side eyes you as she took a sip from her drink. "You disappeared last time we went out, and the time before that when we had sloppy pizza night before we decided to go out," She said and wiggled her brows at you. You only shrugged with a smirk.

"Come on love, it's very obvious," Gee said and redness stained your cheeks.

"Okay, it's nothing serious. We're just messing around," You said and held out your glass for her to refill. Gee filled your glass with some wine turning her body to face you.

"Soo you're just friends with benefits then?" Gee asked and you nodded while drinking. "You are some horny friends with benefits then. Don't think Jordan hasn't told me about you two," Gee said and chuckled as you blushed even harder.

"So please tell me, how's our friendly dane in bed?" Gee asked and you bursted out in laughter. "And don't be modest, spill the beans,"

"He's okay," You only said and winked at her. "No, he's good. He fingered me right there against the wall four weeks ago and that night was the second time we slept together," You said bluntly as you nodded towards the wall across from you, making Gee almost choke on her wine before giggling.

"Jeez Y/N, I knew he was a touchy guy since he acts but not that touchy in that sense," Gee said while chuckling and you joined her.

After another glas of wine your dear guests arrived with even more alcohol. Even if you had a rather physical relationship with Alex now on the side of the professional and friendly one it wasn't awkward being in each others company. You even joked about it between each other sometimes.

"Looking sexy and gorgeous as always," Alex said as be pulled you in for a hug. You chuckled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and him wrapping his highly around your waist. It was a rather long hug but you were the only ones left in the hall so nobody ruined the sweet moment.

"Not looking so bad yourself," You mumbled into his neck before pulling away. Alex wore all black, jeans, t-shirt and a jacket with sneakers. His hair was pushed back in a man bun which you thought were very sexy. It gave you a good view of his delicate jawline.

You walked back into the living room to join the others and Alex came quickly behind. You would lie if you said you didn't like it when he gently placed his hand on your back as he led you to the couch. Gee quickly poured you two a glas of wine each as Jordan made everyone shots.

"Cheers for the start of a great night," Alex said and you all cheered happily.

You chatted, laughed, sang and danced the night away. Both Alex and yourself being the touchy feely drunks you were didn't keep your hands off each other. You were sitting very close to Alex with your hand on his thigh as his arm were around your shoulder. Alex kept whispering sweet nothings into your ear between chats with the others.

"Are we going to head out?" Gee asked as Alex whispered something in your ear before placing wet kisses on your neck. She gave you a playful glance and you just chuckled.

"Yes, let's go," Marco said and playfully slapped Alex shoulder as he made no sign of stopping harassing your neck. Alex groaned as he gripped your thigh tightly before you pulled away.

"Come on, let go out and dance," You said while tugging at Alex arm who didn't say anything, he only followed. Alex took out his phone and pushed the main button but the screen remained black.

"Y/n, can I borrow you charger and leave it here for later?" Alex asked and you nodded as you held onto his arm as you got your shoes on.

After only thirty minutes you were surrounded by drunk and grinding people. The warmth made you thirsty so you walked in the direction of the bar. Gee soon joined you with her arm around your shoulder.

"Ah you would make such a cute couple," Gee said and you chuckled. "No, I'm serious love. Alex seems to live more at your apartment than his own. I saw his hoodie in your room sweet lady," Gee said and laughed when you blushed.

"What do you want to drink?" You asked and tried to avoid the topic. Gee raised her brow with a smirk on her lips.

"We want three shots of vodka each," Gee said to the rather handsome bartender. Thankful of no more questions you swallowed the shots quickly then taking a gulp of beer before dragging Gee to the dance floor.

The time struck two in the morning and you were still dancing yet drunker than before. You had danced with what felt like everyone before Alex joined you.

"I need a smoke, do you wanna come with?" Alex asked you and you nodded. His hand gripped your wrist before you made your way outside. Marco had decided to follow, asking Alex for a cigarett. You moaned when your felt the chilly air embrace your hot body. The guys lit their cigaretts as Alex snuck his hand around his waist.

"Look at us...what a gang," You slurred and Marco chuckled. "And we're slaying without even trying," You continued and chuckled.

"Yes, we certainly are but now I'm going back inside. I'm freezing my balls off plus I have a pretty lady waiting for me," Marco said happily while wiggling his brows. Soon a yawn made its way past your lips which made Alex pulled you in closer and your rested your head against his shoulder.

"My girl tired?" Alex mumbled after throwing the cigarett away. You nodded and yawned once more, making him chuckle before placing a kiss on your forehead. You straighten you back and looked him in the eyes. You then quickly placed your lips on his. With your arms now around his neck and his hands on you waist the kiss quickly got heated.

"You wanna follow me home so you won't forget that phone of yours..." You asked after a while in between kisses. "In the morning," You cheekily continued and Alex giggled before nodding.

"How is that even a question baby?" He asked before kissing you on the mouth quickly.

As all other nights that had ended with moaning, kissing, licking and orgasming with Alex you would gladly do it again. You had woken up with a pounding head ache and feeling way to comfortable between the white sheets with Alex arm around your waist. You could feel his warm breath fanning over your neck as he slept. A smile spread across your lips as you enjoyed the moment.

Suddenly a light groan left his lips as he pulled you closer to his almost naked body. As he slowly woke up you turned to your back as he rubbed his eyes.

"Morning," You said and looked at him. His blue eyes soon met yours and that bright white smile that was extremely contagious. Alex pecked your lips which made you sneak you hand in the back of his head before tugging at his hair, pulling him back to your lips.

"Morning baby," He said and a shiver ran down your spine, raising every piece of hair on your body. His morning voice was so deep and raspy. "I could get used to this?" He continued and you frowned.

"Get used to, you haven't grown used to this yet?" You asked, trying to fake your hurt feeling but chuckled. Alex joined as he stretched his tired limbs.

"Alright, you're right. I've gotten very used to waking up like this with you and I like it very much," Alex said before pecking your lips once more. "I like you y/n," Alex said as he rested his forehead against yours.

"I like you too Alex,"

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