MARCO - Summers night

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Our sweaty bodies were all tangled with each other and the thin sheets. We tried to calm our breathing and soon giggles left my mouth. The window was open but it was still too hot. Denmark had been blessed with some sun these past weeks and neither one of us had been complaining except for now, after sex.

"Fùck I'm sweaty," Marco groaned and looked down on me. He was laying on his back, one hand behind his head and I was much to my discomfort laying on my stomach. I felt too lazy to turn around.

"Don't complain, it could've been raining," I said and slowly turned around. I could feel his eyes on my naked body the whole time. When I had gotten comfortable the sound of Marcos phone buzzing filled the silence.

"Marco," He answered and let out a deep breath. I looked at him and smiled when I saw him roll his eyes. "No, you didn't disturb us fùcking Peter," He groaned with amusement lingering in his voice. I only chuckled before slowly leaving the bed.

"You missed it Peter!" I yelled. Peter seemed to say something back and Marco only chuckled.

"Yeah, see you in an hour," Marco said before hanging up. I stood naked in front of the wardrobe, trying to find something suitable for tonight. We had decided to meet up with some friends, make a fire, drink some beer, eat and only enjoy this lovely summer night. I decided to wear a jeans skirt with buttons, a white loose fitting tank with a thin fine knitted shirt.

Soon Marco wrapped his arms around my body and left kissed from my shoulder to the spot right under my ear. I giggled as I tipped my head back to let it rest on his shoulder. He hummed in approval when he moved his hand up to my naked breast, giving it a squeeze. I could feel his excitement pressing against my ass.

"Not now, I need to shower." I said as I fought with every cell in my body to not give in. As I turned him down he gently bit down on the base of my neck before resting his chin there.

"I can't get enough of you," He mumbled as I placed my clothes on a chair. I chuckled before trying to get out from his grip but he refused to let me go. "Let's take a shower," He said and walking me inside out bathroom.

Cold water soon ran over our body, causing me to shriek even if the cool feeling was welcome due to the warm weather. Marco only chuckled before he started to kiss my neck again. I wiggled out from his grip as I reached for the soap.

"We need to hurry," I said and he only hummed. I got some soap in my hand before started to clean my upper body. Marco took some in his hands and I rolled my eyes with a smile when I felt his hands starting to massage my back. They soon reached my ass, firmly giving it a squeeze as he groaned.

"Babe!" I said as I chuckled. He acted like a 13 year old who just got sexually mature. Thankfully he stopped and cleaned himself. Soon we left the shower, smelling nicely instead of sex and sweat. I quickly blow dryer my hair so it at least got damp before putting on my underwear and my clothes.

"Ready?" Marco asked as I left the bedroom. I nodded as I took my sun glasses before looking at him. He looked really good, a pair of jeans shorts, a white button up shirt with rolled up sleeves, white sneakers and sunglasses.

"You look good," I mumbled before giving him a peck. His arm quickly sneaked around my waist, pulling me closer to his body as he kissed me again. After almost ripping each others clothes off again we gathered out things, our drinks we had agreed on brining with us.

Hand in hand we walked down the danish streets to our designated location. As we got closer to the slightly hidden spot with a beautiful view of the ocean we could hear the sound of music playing. Soon we got greeted by five of our friends. After exchanging hugs we sat down by the smaller fire and soon I could feel Marco's hand around my waist.

"Y/n, I got you something special I know you like," Peter said as I sipped on my Carlsberg beer. I raised my brow and smirked as he looked through a plastic bag. Marco talked to Anna, Peter's girlfriend. A wide smile spread across my lips when he showed me the large bottle of Smirnoff Ice. I loved that drink.

"You're the best Peter," I said as I reached for the bottle.

The sky had turned darker and the alcohol had been entering our system for a few hours. We sat by the fire, some people sneaking away a few times to probably make out, fùck or god knows what. Both Marco and I had been very touchy, as usual when we got drunk. He kissed my temple and whispered things in my ear that made me giggle as a blush covered my cheeks.

Soon he got onto his feet and held out his hand for me to take. Soon we walked over to a slightly shielded area. The sounds of whistling was heard which made the both of us giggle. We had quite the reputation to sneak away during parties.

Our lips connected quickly and giggles slipped past our lips occasionally. Marco's hands roamed my body as he pushed me against a tree before pulling my skirt up to my waist. My hands unbuckled his belt before dipping them inside his pants. He groaned when I took a grip on his còck and I moaned when I felt how hard he was. Soon he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I was on my pill so all he did was pushing my thong aside before entering me. Kissing, neck sucking and groans left our lips when he thrusted in and out of my core.

"Marco!" A drunken voice shouted teasingly. "Y/N!" The same voice continued and the rest joined. Neither one of us cared. The pleasure filling our bodies over and over as he thrusted deep inside. His thrust soon got sloppier but he tried to keep the steady pace and pounding force.

"Where is Marco?" A familiar voice asked. It was one of his brothers Nick, they sometimes joined us even if they were quit older than the rest. "Fùcking fùck rabbits," Nick continued. My toes curled when I came and Marco followed close behind. I whimpered when he pulled out. He fixed my panties before I pulled down my skirt. We both fixed ourselves between kisses before walking back hand in hand.

"There they are, wonder what they were doing?" Peter said and I giggled. We sat down after greeting Nick with a hug. Soon we got another beer in our hands, Marco soon sneaked his hand up to the back of my neck, giving it a squeeze. I winked at him and couldn't be happier. I had my man beside me, friends surrounding me as we enjoyed a very nice night together.

"What about some skinny dipping?" Axl said as he had Ronja in his lap. They usually hooked up if they didn't hooked up with other people.

"Isn't it cold?" Anna said as everyone got up.

"I'll keep you warm," Peter said and kissed her on the lips.

"Last one in needs to chug from the vodka bottle!" Axl yelled as he ran down to the water, way a head of the rest of us. Both Marco and I ran after him, throwing off our clothing as we reached the small shore. Ahead of Marco I got into the cold water.

"Oh my god, it's so cold!" I yelled as I got above surface. Axl only chuckled and soon Marco joined us. Fredrik looked bitter as he was the last one since he was peeing behind a bush. He cursed and I laughed as Marco pulled me closer to his body.

"Love you," He said before kissing my neck.

"Love you too," I giggled.

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