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Alex: You were sitting on the toilet in the bathroom as your eyes were glued on the stick in your hands. You were apparently pregnant. You had felt rather off for a while and since it was winter you thought it was some flue or so since it was rather common this time a year. However when you didn't get better nor worse your dear best friend asked if you were late. Which you were but with everything with you work, your boyfriends work and Christmas coming up you hadn't thought much about it. "You got this Y/N. Tell him and decide together. It will be okay." You told yourself over and over. You and Alex hadn't been dating for that long, at least not long enough to talk about babies and families. "Babe I'm back with the painkillers!" Alex yelled for the hall and you took a few deep breaths before leaving the bathroom. When you walked outside to meet him his eyes widen when he saw you expression. "What's the matter baby?" He asked but soon he saw the stick in your hands that you hadn't been able to throw away. "What's that?" He asked with wide eyes. "I'm pregnant." You mumbled. "We're pregnant?!"

Marco: Your pregnancy hadn't been revealed the way you wanted to. You had taken the test after a week of throwing up and feeling drained, you were pregnant and two weeks off you period. After seeing the positive test you had rushed out of your apartment to see you best friend for advice and forgotten to hide the test which Marco had found when he got home early. When you had gotten home he stood int he kitchen with the test laying on the kitchen counter and he stared at it as he drank a cup of coffee. "I found this." He said, voice monotone and distant. "So you're pregnant?" He asked after a while and your eyes soon met as you nodded. "So what do we do? You want to keep it?" He asked carefully as he looked at you. You gulped before nodding. "Do you want to keep it?" You asked, you voice not louder than a whisper. "We're very young Y/n." He said and it broke your heart. "But I don't think it's nothing we can't handle."

Alexander: You had just arrived back home in Canada after visiting your boyfriend Alexander in Ireland since he was currently filming for Vikings. The trip home had been everything else but pleasant. You had been throwing up which had surprised you, out of nowhere the sudden feeling of your stomach twisting got you bolting for the pretty much non existent bathroom. You had cursed multiple times since you had an unfortunate situation with a broken condom a few weeks ago. You had talked about it will Alexander since you were panicking about it since you were int he middle changing pills since your old ones gave you serious mood swings. Alexander said that you were probably protected and after debating you tried to accept that it probably was the case. You had brought a test on the airport and taken it in the bathroom where you were currently seated with the positive test in your hands. You quickly picked up your phone and called you boyfriend. "Babe, do you know what time it is?" Alexander said. "I'm pregnant." You quickly said and you heard him sigh on the other end. You knew that neither one of you were ready for a child. "The condom?" He asked but your silence answered it. "I know we might not be ready." You said and he hummed. "I'll support you no matter what you decide baby." He said and tears streamed down you neck.

Alyssa: A few months back you had gotten through with an IVF. You and your wife Alyssa had decided to try to get pregnant and in November 2017 you had gotten through with an IVF after a lot of tests. You had been feeling very ill lately and had told yourself not to think about pregnancy if the IVF didn't work. You wanted to save yourself from the disappointment after getting excited. However you had been visiting a doctor since you we very ill and you were waiting for the tests results. "Mrs. Y/LN-Sutherland." The doctor said as he walked inside the room again. "I have some news for you and I seeing what you have been through last month I'm guessing this will be a positive surprise. You're pregnant, seven weeks." The doctor said and your eyes widen as a wide smile spread across your lips. You thanked him and as you walked out from the hospital you quickly dialed Alyssa's number. "I'M PREGNANT!" You yelled as soon as she answered. The only sound of the other side was her screaming in excitement.

Peter: You were seated on the couch with you four year old son watching Moomin with Finnish text but English speech. You were waiting for your husband to arrive home from the store. Peter had been home a week now after being away filming for the fifth season of vikings. "Babe, I'm home!" The familiar voice from your husband boomed through the house. Y/SN quickly left the couch before running to his father to hug him however he was quickly back in the couch so he didn't miss the movie. "I'm just going to talk to dad okay." You said to your son before kissing his forehead. Peter was in the kitchen and emptied the bags when you walked inside. He smiled as your eyes met. "Hi baby." He said as he walked up to you, kissing your lips as his hands found your waist. "I need to talk to you." You began and he nodded. You took a deep breath as you walked further into the kitchen. Peter crossed his arms over his chest and frowned when you took another deep breath and turned to look at him. "I'm pregnant." You said and a wide smile spread across his lips. You had been talking about getting another child a few months back and decided to start trying not too long ago. He walked up to you and cupped your cheeks with his large hands. "We're pregnant! How long?" He asked and you smiled. "15 weeks."

Jasper: You stood in your kitchen with a wide eyed Jasper infront of you. His mouth hung agape as he stared at you, no words were forming in his head. You had been best friends with him for over ten years and not too long ago you had accidentally gotten a little too drunk and ended up in the same bed. However when we were in the drunken haze protection hadn't popped into your head. Since you were long time single you weren't on the pill and neither of you had remembered anything. You thought that nothing had happened since you wore both your panties and shirt as Jasper wore his boxers. It wasn't something new, you had even slept naked together before but with a barricade of pillows beside you. Then it had been an emergency. Your memory had gotten back but you were sure you had used protection. "You're pregnant." He asked again and you nodded. "And it's mine?" He asked and you kept nodding. "You sure? I mean I don't want to sound rude but what about Anna? My girlfriend?" He asked and your heart broke as he mentioned his new girlfriend. Without another word he left your house as tears ran down you cheeks. Later on that night you had gotten a text from Jasper saying; I'm going to support you, sorry for my reaction I just wasn't prepared to hear that I was going to be a father but no matter what you decide count me in. Couldn't imagine a better mother to my child than the best friend I love unconditionally.

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