ALEX - Photography

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your name my crazy man 💏❤️

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your name my crazy man 💏❤️


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user relationship goals

alexhoeghandersen baby 😻❤️

user4 ^^^

user1 user2 he's so sexy

user3 stop using him for fame gurl


A light groan left my lips as I lifted my head from the very fluffy pillow. I slowly opened by eyes but I quickly closed them again as the sun made it's way through the windows. I was oddly laying on my stomach andI could feel Alex arm resting on my back. Another groan left my lips when I realized that we had forgotten to close the curtains last night. Only a thin white curtain was covering the large windows and the door to the balcony.

Alex was soundly asleep next to me, him also laying on his stomach facing me. His grip tightened when I moved around. I checked my phone and a third groan left my mouth, 09:16 am. Suddenly Alex pulled me closer to his body and let out a sigh, his breath fanning over my neck. I chuckled as we now spooned, his hand resting on my stomach under my t shirt.

Soon he started to stretch and a louder low and raspy groan left his mouth. I smiled when he hugged me closer and started to leave kisses on my neck before nuzzling his head into my neck. I sneaked my hand back into his hair to hold him close.

"Morning baby," He said and I wanted to moan when I heard his low, raspy and thick morning voice as his head still was nuzzled into my neck. He kissed my neck again and I hummed in approval.

"Morning," I said and chuckled when he pulled my bottom closer to him, my ass pressing into his hard member. Alex pressed his member against my ass and rubbed it against it a few times which made me chuckle.

"Why is it so damn bright in here?" Alex groaned and placed a pillow over his head. "Don't move away now when things might get interesting," He said as I moved to leave my phone on the table. I laughed before turning to face him. His arm were still on my waist and I sneaked my left around his neck to kiss him. He hummed against my lips and smiled before pulling me closer.

The kiss grew heated and soon he pulled me on top of him. I straddled his waist without disconnecting our lips. Alex's hands roamed my body. He pulled my shirt up a bit before one of his hands took a firm grip of my ass which made me moan. Soon the bright sunlight was the least thing on our minds as pleasure engulfed us.

A fine layer of sweat covered our bodies as we walked though the mountains. It was a beautiful setting and one of the reasons why we had decided to visit the grand canyon. We both we dressed in shorts and t shirts but it didn't stop the sweat for flowing. Alex walked beside me and we small talked and joked on our way to the top. We stopped a few time to take some pics with his camera that hung around his shoulder.

I loved how creative his was. He was a very talented and skilled actor, but like that wasn't enough, he was a great photographer. I had probably seen all the photos he had taken through out the years. When we had just started dating he had told me about his passion for also be behind the camera I had asked him to show me. It ended up with us spending almost six hours looking at all his photos. I had been amazed by every single one.

"I think I've lost 10 pounds, in sweat!" I exclaimed with a groan and he only chuckled. I took a gulp of water from the bottle in my hands and my eyes widen when we finally reached the top. Alex placed his hand on my back and kissed my temple. I almost squealed out of joy but I got speechless, the view was amazing. It was completely worth the hustle.

"Oh my god Alex look!" I said as I practically ran closer to the edge. It was so far up and the wind blew in my face. I turned around to look at him, a wide smile on my lips. Without my knowledge he snapped a photo before smiling at me.

"Gorgeous as always," He said before walking up at me.

"Can I see it?" I asked as I reached for the camera but he quickly pulled away.

"Nope, because you're going to delete it," He said and chuckled.

"I promise I won't," I said and kissed the base of his neck.

"Stop it, I know you well enough," He said while chuckling. We took some photos with our phones and a few with the camera as we enjoyed the view. I took some photos of him before he gave me that smirk. I raised my brow and almost had a defeated look on my.

"Don't yell at me now, my mother will surely do that later but take one when I do a handstand," Alex said and my eyes widen when he tried to do one close to the edge. My heart stopped beating them we wobbled slightly but didn't fall. "I got a stone in my palm," He mumbled before wiping them on his shorts.

"Don't fall okay, ready?" I said after finding a good angle.

"Yes, one, two... three," He said and did a handstand. I snapped a few photos quickly before he stood on his feet again. He licked his bottom lip while smiling proudly. He walked over to me and I showed him the photos as he placed a hand on my back.

"Great, I taught you well baby," He said and smiled down on me before kissing my lips. I smiled into the kiss as I snapped a photo on both of us. It was slightly off since I had shorter arms and was too focused on him to even bother.

The moon had made its presence as I walked out on our balcony. My hair wrapped in one of the fluffy white towels and body covered in one of Alex t shirts. It was now humid outside and I smiled when I saw Alex sitting there already with a cigarette in his mouth, it hung lonely between his lips. He was only dressed in a pair of black boxers as he looked through his phone. As our eyes met a smile spread across his lips.

"I got us two beers," He said and I hummed in approval. I took a seat on the chair next to him, by the second filled glass of beer. He placed a hand on my tight before moving closer. I chuckled before leaving a peck on his lips. He pouted when he didn't get anything more than that which made me laugh. Sometime he could act like a teenage boy that just got sexually mature.

"Look at this one," Alex then said as he reached for the camera on the table when i took a sip of the beer. I frowned when he searched through the photos. Soon he showed me a photo of me, just when we had reached the top. "What a beauty, a real babe," He said and I rolled my eyes as redness stained my cheeks.

"Stop it," I blushed as I took another sip. He turned the camera off before placing it on the table then sneaked his hand around my neck. He pulled me closer to kiss my temple before looking at me.

"You're the most beautiful woman I know and I'm really proud to be able to call you my girlfriend," He said and I smiled before pressing my lips against his. He wasn't the only one acting like a just sexually mature human being.

"Love you," He mumbled between kisses andI smiled.

"Love you too,"


made a little ig one as well

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