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The sound of the alarm was heard as the bed moved woke me up. Without opening my eyes I let out a sigh before trying to fall back to sleep. However my boyfriend seemed to have other plans. Soon I felt his hand on my waist. He pulled me closer to his body before starting to kiss my neck. A soft moan left my mouth as he sucked on my neck.

"Baby," He whispered as snuggled his head in my neck. "Time to wake up and workout," He mumbled and I groaned before placing a hand on the back of his head before pecking him on the lips.

Since Alexander needed to be in great shape while filming Vikings I usually accompanied him at the gym. We were both into working out and living healthy however being waked up in the early hours of the morning to workout were not that great. Especially after a night with some alone time with him.

"Do we have to?" I asked and he smiled before kissing me once more. It was currently 04:12 in the morning and the bed was warm as well as very comfortable.

"Yes, let's go," He mumbled in-between kisses however neither one of us moved or stopped kissing. Alexander sneaked his hand under my white tank top. I didn't stop him or made any advances of doing so, instead I kissed him deeply. "Baby, I'm serious," Alexander continued trying to sound serious but he smiled as he didn't stop kissing me.

"We can workout in bed instead," I said cheekily as I turned around and hugged my left leg over his waist. A chuckle left his lips as I started to kiss his neck.

"No matter how great idea that is, I think we have to save that kind for another time," He said and I nodded before pecking his lips. I turned over and almost rolled off the bed before walking into the bathroom. I squinted my eyes at the bright light before brushing my teeth. Alexander came soon after and I quickly checked out his naked torso as he only wore his boxers to bed before looking at the mirror.

Alexander held his free hand on my back as we brushed out teeth. We small talked even though our voices were muffled by the toothbrush and the foam. When I was done I quickly rinsed my mouth then leaving the bathroom.

Once I was dressed in my gym clothes, a pair of black tights, sports bra and a hoodie I walked inside the semi large kitchen. I prepared our pre workout shakes as I waited for Alexander to get ready.

As I put my shoes on he walked out from the bedroom dressed in a tighter pair of black sweats, a white t shirt and a hoodie. We quickly got ready before heading outside and to his car. About 45 minutes after he had woken me up we were standing inside the gym. We were the only ones here, as usual. This gym were open all the hours of the day which was a blessing for Alexander.

"I think I'm going to do some legs today," I mumbled as I let my eyes roam around the room as we got on the treadmills to warm up.

"I'm going to take care of these," Alexander said as he flexed his arms to me. I chuckled before putting in my headphones. Music were blasting through them as I started to jog in a light pace. Letting my body wake up slowly. I just wished I could've done this in a more creative way with my boyfriend in our bed. Alexander left his treadmill before me and walked towards the free weights.

I licked my lips as I saw him work on his arms. One thing I loved with working out with him was to be able to admire his body. He was in great shape which was visible on his abs, arms, legs, chest and ass.

When I was finished I walked over to the smith machine to do some squats and lunges. As I worked out I could feel Alexander's eyes burn on my back, or more like ass. When I did my deadlifts I felt them burn on my ass whenever I bent over.

Sweat covered my skin and I removed my hoodie before continuing with my workout. After finishing my sets I sat down on a bench to rest a I drank some water. I looked over at my boyfriend and as our eyes met I winked at him causing him to smile.

I walked over to his area as he worked on his shoulders. I took an about 25 pounds weight disc before placing my feet on one stool each before squating down. Heavy breaths left my lungs as I felt the familiar burning feeling in my legs and ass. A groan left my lips and I saw Alexander bit his lips as his eyes followed my body's movement.

When I was finished with my whole workout I could feel my legs shake a bit. I quickly stretched my previous active muscles together with Alexander as we kept on checking each other out. I knew my flexibility made him even more hot and bothered. When we left I saw him pull at his shirt so it covered his prominent bulge in his pants.

After one and a half hour of working out we had arrived back home. I headed towards the shower and when I was about to close the door Alexander suddenly took a firm grip on the door before walking in then closing the door behind him. I almost couldn't react before he placed his lips on mine hungrily.

"I pretty much regretted not working out in bed with you when I saw you at the gym," Alexander mumbled against my lips and I chuckled.

A moan left my lips as I placed my hands around his neck before pulling him towards the shower. We quickly threw out clothes off before stepping inside. Alexander reached behind my back before turning the shower on. A shriek left my lips as I pushed my body closer to his body as I felt the cold water hit my naked body. I rolled my eyes as he laughed before kissing me once more.

Steam surrounded us and he pushed me backwards and soon we were both under the hot water. Alexander's hands roamed my naked body and soon they found my ass. He squeezed my cheeks before telling me to jump. I did as I was told and soon my naked back touched the cold tiled wall. A sigh left my lips and moan followed when I felt his hard dïck stroke against my clït.

"You're still on the pill right?" He asked and I nodded. Loud moans left our lips as I felt him slowly enter me. I gripped his shoulders tightly as his hands held me up by my ass. He started to thrust inside me as we kissed. As we got closer he increased his speed and soon my climax took over. Alexander came soon after and I kissed his shoulder.

We kissed some more before he placed me on the ground. When we had calmed down we washed and left the shower. It was 06:14 when Alexander was dressed in jeans and a hoodie as I was dressed in my pajamas once again. My body felt tired from working out and my orgasm.

Alexander had to leave soon for Vikings and I followed him to the door. Before leaving he opened his arms to hug me. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and a sigh left my lips. He kissed my temple and neck.

"Love you," He mumbled and I smiled. I looked up to meet his eyes.

"Love you too," I said before pecking his lips.

"I call when I'm on my way home, now go back to sleep baby," He mumbled in my ear before kissing me one last time.


I'm going to be really honest with you guys, I've imagined this a few times.. ;)

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