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a/n: Not edited, written in like fifteen minutes! Enjoy!


Y/n groaned as she turned around, her legs tangled with another pair of naked legs between fluffy white sheets. She stretched her tired limbs before rubbing her eyes, a sigh leaving her lips. She opened her eyes slowly before looking to her right, seeing Jordan, her boyfriend of two years. The beautiful man sleeping soundly beside her made her heart beat quickly in her chest. Soon Jordan sneaked his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to his body before nuzzling his head into her neck. She smiled as she tangled her fingers in his still long hair.

Jordan had stopped filming the fifth season of Vikings a week ago and after three hours of a nap to try to sober up after a wrap up party they had boarded a plane to Marbella to get some much needed alone time and sun. The weather had been noting but great in Ireland and they had agreed to have some vacation after he had stopped filming. A low hum was soon heard from Jordans throat as he squeezed her waist, slowly waking up. He placed soft kisses on her neck which made her giggle as he hovered above her, placing his body between her legs. When he pulled away, wide smiles was visible on both their lips. Without a word spoken he placed a soft kiss on her lips before looking her in the eyes again.

"How did I get so lucky?" He asked as nuzzled his face into her neck again to place kisses from her shoulder to below her ear. She giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer to her.

"Did you just read my mind?" She asked cheekily and he laughed. He placed his lips against hers, a soft pleased sigh left her lips when she enjoyed the feeling of their naked bodies were touching each other. Jordan chuckled when she wrapped her legs around his was to pull his lower body closer to hers when she felt how aroused he was.

Y/n was comber her messy hair with her fingers as she waited for Jordan to get ready so they could head to the beach. She wore a simple white dress that ended mid thigh with a simple pink bikini underneath. She bit her lip when she thought about her chose of bikini. It was a simple bikini yet the panties were slightly smaller and they made her ass look even more amazing than usual. The bra were not a push up but created a cleavage that she knew Jordan would appreciate. As Jordan walked out from the bathroom she hid her eyes behind a pair of sunglasses and Jordan had done the same. She bit her lip to contain the smile when she saw his hair, it was messy, not going in one direction and she knew the only thing that would contain it would be wax or water. Her fingers had tangled themselves into it enough times to almsot create a great home for birds.

"What?" Jordan asked and raised his brow above the edge of his glasses with a smile on his face. "Don't laugh, this is your creation." He continued and she blushed.

"Ready?" She only asked as she took her bag. Jordan nodded and intertwined their fingers together. After almost fifteen minutes of walking they arrived at the beach, the ocean looked amazing and so did the beach. People were already crowing around the cooling water to get their daily doze of vitamin D. She placed her bad beside the two available chairs they had found in the ocean of other chairs. Jordan fixed the parasol if they wanted to chill out in the shadow.

When Y/n sat down on the chair her eyes were glued on Jordan. He removed his shirt and showed his amazing body which already had gotten a nice tan. She bit down onto her bottom lip, trying to prevent herself from drooling. Jordan smirked when she caught her glaring.

"Babe?" He said and she blinked quickly before looking him in the eyes. "Like what you see?" He asked and flexed his muscles. She laughed loudly after rolling her eyes.

"I think I've showed you that I do." She said teasingly before standing to remove her dress. She could instantly feel his eyes her body when they dress was pulled off. She could hear a faint groan and she smiled. She handed him her lotion and asked him to help with her back. She had gotten a slight sunburn the first day when Jordan had gotten a nice bronzy shade she envied. However her skin had slowly turned darker and she told herself she needed a few more hours, even if they had two more weeks with the hot sun in Marbella.

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