*˖✶ ALEXANDER - Cabin ✶˖*

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As an early christmas present Alexander had booked a cabin in the Canadian mountains for the two of you. He had been busy with filming for Vikings, his schedule and yours had collided making the space between you too long for both of your liking. You worked in Canada as a waiter and had met Alexander when he had been out eating with his family three years ago.

The thought of being alone with him in a cabin, surrounded by snow and silence was exciting. You craved him more than ever. You had travelled early in the morning the day after he had arrived back home. Dressed in sweatpants and hoodies you left for the snowy mountains in a car. Out of courtesy you had volunteered to drive first so he could rest more. You smiled when you saw him sleeping peacefully next to you with his hand on your thigh. An occasional snore and some talking here and there filled the silence which made you bite your lip to prevent you from laughing.

After three shifts you arrived by your cabin after picking up your keys. Your eyes widen when you saw the amazing view, the amount of snow made your smile and the mountains surrounding you almost made you weak in the knees. It looked perfect and soon you felt Alex wrap his arms around your body.

"If we're lucky we might spot some northern lights while we're here." He said and your eyes widen.

"That would be amazing, the sky is clear so I'm definitely will keep my fingers crossed." You said excitedly. He placed a few kisses down you neck before you took your luggage then walking inside your cabin. It was a nice wooden yet modern cabin with a living room, kitchen, three bedrooms and four bathrooms. You walked into the living room and dropped your bags when you saw the floor to roof window which gave you an amazing view. The cabin was placed high in the mountains so from the window you could see a garden before the tree tops that was covered in snow.

"This is amazing babe! They even have a christmas tree here!" You almost squealed out of excitement as you noticed the tree with white and blue ornaments. You had been rather interested in the wild life even if you never done a lot practically before you met Alexander but his adventures persona had stained your own. He had taught you how to ski, snowboard, bungeejump and climb mountains. You had both created so many memories in such a short amount of time which you were more than thankful for.

Alexander led you to the master bedroom with an equally nice view as in the living room, the bed was huge and you immediately ran over to lay down. You always tried the bed and never got disappointed. Alex joined you not long after, laying on his side and you turned to look at him, eyes wide when you saw the distance between you. You waved at him causing you both to laugh.

"How am I going to sleep with this amount of space between us?" You asked. "We're almost on top of each other when we're sleeping." You continued and he laughed as he moved closer. He kissed your lips and a sigh left them, nice to finally be close to him again. You placed you hand behind his head, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened.

"I've missed you." He mumbled between kisses as his hand was placed on your clad chest. You chuckled and reached down to the hem of his hoodie.

"I've missed you too, a lot." You said and smirked at him. He quickly removed it and you removed your own. He hovered over you, laying between your legs and you wrapped yours around his waist as he attached your lips again. A groan left your lips when you felt his hard member in his pants. As you kissed, your tongues dancing in a slow but hungry rhythm, you started to move your hips. A groan left his lips as he felt you hump him. He started to kiss down you neck as he pushed his hips against yours. He sneaked his hand under you to remove your bra and before you knew it all that mattered was the two of you.

After a nice and long bath together you had made a quick stop at the local store not too far away so you could get some dinner. Alex stood in only his sweatpants as he cooked some spagetti and meatballs. You wore his shirt and sneaked up to him and wrapped your arms around him. Alex had lit the fireplace which together with the lights in the tree crated a soft light in the living room. You both eagerly ate your dinner before snuggling up on the sofa with some hot chocolate.

"Maybe we can try out the Jacuzzi tomorrow night?" He asked as his hand gently played with your hair.

"We have a Jacuzzi?" You said but was to relaxed to open your eyes. He chuckled and you felt the vibrations as you rested your head on his chest. The darkness outside engulfed you so you could see you own reflection in the windows when you moved to straddle him A smug smirk spread across his lips as he placed his hands on you waist. You wrapped you hands around his neck as you kissed him slowly.

"I love you." He mumbled between kisses and you smiled as a blush spread on your cheeks.

"I love you too." You said and he smiled which made the butterflies go crazy in your stomach. You continued to kiss but soon you opened you eyes and stopped kissing him. He started to kiss down your neck a he moved his hands under your shirt and squeezed your cheeks. However he stopped when you squealed.

"It's snowing!" You said as you got up from his lap and ran to the window. He was still on the couch as you saw even more snow started to cover the white ground outside.

"It sounds like you've never seen snow before!" He said and begged you to come back to the couch.

"Can't we build a snowman?" You asked quickly and he groaned.

"Now?" He asked and you looked at him as you nodded. Before he could answer you ran to your room to change to a pair of warm pants, a shirt before grabbing your shoes and jacket. Fully dressed in mittens, a beanie and a scarf you ran outside. As you waited for your boyfriend you laid down in the snow before you started to make a snow angel.

"You're going to freeze to death baby." Alex said as he chuckled when he walked outside. You only shrugged before starting to create the biggest ball of the snowman. Alex helped you when he got ready with the middle part. You created the head quickly and let out a sigh as you admired you masterpiece. Alex placed a hand around you waist as he looked at the snowman. You removed your scarf knowing you had brought another one before placing it around its neck. You looked around for some branches for the arms but Alex beat you to it. You didn't have a carrot so you skipped the nose and used some gravel for the eyes and mouth.

"Look! It's our baby!" She squealed out and blushed when she realized what she had said but relaxed when Alex laughed. He walked up to stand beside her so both of them could enjoy their creation.

"I hope you would want other more warm ones with me." He mumbled as a blush spread on his cheeks. You smiled and kissed his cold cheek as you blushed as well.

"Of course babe." You said and felt your heart swell with love when looking in his love filled eyes.

"We need to get you inside before you get sick baby." He said as he felt your wet jacket and you pecked his lips. "Maybe we can have some baby making practice?" He asked as he kissed your now naked neck. You chuckled and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Maybe..." You teased and he chuckled. "But before that I need you to help me with my clothes."


Ugh this didn't turn out as I imagined but there's a hockey game soon I need to watch! Enjoy! 

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