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Kicking off my Christmas Specials with some preferences with the cast.


KATHERYN: You had been busy the whole christmas week, stressing over the food, presents, the tree among other things. Katheryn had been calm and collected as she had been laughing at your stressed state. You had slowly woken up on christmas morning, being wrapped in Katheryn's loving embrace the whole night. You had snuck out to make breakfast for the both of you before both of your families would come crashing inside. You fixed some pancakes, hot chocolate, eggs, bacon when you felt her wrapping her hugs from behind. A smile creeped up on your lips as she placed a kiss in the crook of your neck. "Merry christmas honey." She mumbled before placing another kiss slightly below the other causing you to chuckle. "Merry christmas babe. I've made us breakfast." You answered as you turned around. Candles were lit in the whole kitchen as a faint smell of food mixed itself with cinnamon. You walked over to the table, sat down beside each other but before you could let out a breath the door swung open. "Y/N! KATHERYN! WE'RE HERE NOW! MARRY CHRISTMAS!" Your mother-in-law said. "Do I smell bacon?" You father-in-law asked his wife from the hall.

ALEXANDER: You sat nervously at the dinner table next to your boyfriend of four years and his sister. You were having a great time but you couldn't help but to worry about your christmas gift to Alexander. Doubts filled you head as you thought that it might've been better to give him something else and save your gift for another time. "You're a great baker Y/n." Harald, Alexanders father said and you smiled at him. "Yes, that cake was delicious." Natalie said and you blushed. You had grown very close to Alex family over the years. You looked at your boyfriend as he placed his hand on your thigh giving you a squeeze. "You okay?" He asked you as the rest continued talking. "Yes, only nervous for you gift that's all." She smiled at him and he kissed your temple. "Can't be bad if it's from you." He mumbled against your temple. After dinner you gathered by the tree and not long after that everyone had gotten their presents. You bit your lip when Alex opened your gift, more of a letter actually. His eyes widen when he saw the card inside, his parents gathered around him and tears ran down his parents cheeks. "You're pregnant?" You nodded and soon being engulfed in a big hug. "I love you." He mumbled against you lips. "I love you too. Merry Christmas."

MARCO: You arrived at Copenhagen airport, your hair in an attempted nice bun, rather good looking makeup and stockings with a deep red dress. You had changed in the non existing bathroom on the airplane since you were surprising you boyfriend of tree years. You had met in Ireland when he was filming for Vikings and had hit it off instantly. You had planned to celebrate Christmas together but your work had gotten in the way so you had told him to travel back home to be with his family. However you boss had changed it the last minute and you had ripped the most essential from you wardrobe and bathroom while on the phone with Marco's mother. Your eyes searched around the large airport, searching for his mother. Soon you fund the familiar woman with Nick and Ken. She got embraced by all of them before they headed to the car to get to the house. "He misses you." Nick said. "Like a lot." He added and you blushed. "He haven't stopped talking about you, it's like when you first met and all we heard was Y/N this and Y/N that!" Ken explained. "He'll get the surprise of his life." Their mother said and looked at you through the rearview mirror. Your blush increasing. After a while you pulled up at the familiar house, his other honked the horn and soon you could see a very confused Marco walked outside, dressed in a pair of pants and a button up. "Y/N?" He asked as you stepped out of the car. "Merry Christmas!"

GUSTAF: Now being part of a very big and modern family you for once woke up all sweaty on Christmas morning. Gustaf was sound asleep next to you and you moved your gaze to the thin curtains and the warm sun the bled through them. You were in Bali this Christmas with his family. It felt odd not to see a thick blanket of snow outside your window at Christmas. You were rather traditional but since you started dating Gustaf that changed. A few years ago it would've been absolutely impossible for you to celebrate Christmas in a warm country however it had been great trip so far. His family were very sweet as usual, teasing you a little with your obsession with Christmas traditions but it in all good fun. You reached for you phone and quickly texted your family, wishing them a Merry Christmas. "Baby?" You heard Gustaf mumble, his voice filled with sleep. You turned to place a kiss on his lips which soon turned into more. Suddenly there was a knock on your door. "Love birds, breakfast is ready!" Gustafs younger brother Valter said. You kissed Gustaf again but as you pulled away he pulled you back causing you to chuckle. "We need to go now or else they might break the door and they'll get a whole other surprise than what's meant for Christmas." You said and he chuckled.

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