JORDAN - Rumors

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'Vikings actor Jordan Patrick Smith had some company last night after celebrating this seasons success with his fellow vikings cast,'

'Sources said that the actor was keeping a young woman close all night, sharing kisses and hugs through out the night. The sources also ads they looked like long term boyfriend and girlfriend,'

'According to the photos that's spreading like a wild fire it's Y/N Y/L/N. The actor has been seen with Y/N since the start of this year. Neither one of them have confirmed anything. The actor told the interviewer for the upcoming season of Vikings that he was single but his smirk told us the opposite,'

'We can only speculate if we'll see the pair together at the Comic Con in San Diego. The vikings cast will join this years Comic Con and the for some of the vikings newcomers this might be their first Comic Con ever...'

My eyes followed the letters in the gossip magazine. My cheeks heated up when I saw the photos from last night. It had been a fun evening with everybody, we had all decided to go out and enjoy some great food and drinks. Jordan had asked me to come with since they wanted me to. I had been introduced to them a few months ago when Jordan had gotten the green sign for me to join him on set.

I would never forget that day. It had been such an amazing experience and I'll never forget how nervous I was. I had been a fan of Vikings since the start and it felt odd to stand there in the great hall myself. Not forgetting the odd feeling of meeting all the cast members in and out of costume. I didn't freak out when I saw Gustaf or Travis but when I saw Floki and Ragnar. I had been screaming out of joy on the inside as I tried to look as okay as I could.

"What are you reading?" Jordan asked as he walked out from the bathroom with a fluffy white towel around his waist. I was laying on the huge hotel bed wrapped in a robe. I only shrugged my shoulders when I looked back at the magazine.

"About you...and me," I said and winked at him. He chuckled before walking over and the scent of his cologne filling my nostrils quickly with a strong scent. He sat down on the bed, as he peaked over the to the spread.

"Look at that..." He said and his voice monotone as his eyes followed the headline. We wanted to keep our relationship private since it was a thing between us and not the rest of the world to follow and investigate every detail of. Yet I couldn't help but to admire how cute we looked on the poorly taken pictures in the dark night. We stood outside the restaurant with Alex as he smoked. Jordan was hugging me from behind in some of them and in others his arm were around my waist.

"Is that the one from Alex's Instagram video?" Jordan asked and pointed at the video of us kissing. It was a close up video of us making out and not long after that Alex had moved over to Ludwig and his girlfriend kissing, with the hashtag thirdweeling. I blushed and nodded.

"That idiot!" Jordan said and chuckled before moving closer to kiss me on the lips. I also chuckled when he walked over to the wardrobe. I threw away the magazine before walking up to him. My clothes were hanging in there neatly. A pair of simple black jeans and a black v lined t shirt.

We got dressed and soon we were out the door to head to Comic Con. I felt nervous since I had never even been to Comic Con before, I only knew the basics of it. When he had gotten inside and met up with the rest Jordan sneaked his hand around my waist. I smiled at him and wrapped mown arms around his waist. Alex walked up to us with a smirk and I only rolled my eyes.

"Here's my favorite couple," Alex said and chuckled. I smiled as I looked up at Jordan who tried to hide his smile.

"Thanks for exposing us idiot," Jordan said and tried to sound angry. Alex only rolled his eyes.

"Everyone already knows!" Alex defended himself and I snorted with a smile.

"Yes, because you showed them." I snapped and Alex only held his hands up in surrender. Jordan had kept me close to his side the whole time. His hands always making sure I was close to him. When I had spoken to Katheryn separately yet Jordan stood beside and spoke to Alexander and his hand was resting on my back.

Soon it was their time to meet everyone. He kissed me on my temple after leaving peck on my lips before walking with the rest. I smirked when I saw how much his fellow cast mates teased him about it. Jordan was a very touchy guy, he had been ever since we had met.

Jordan had been out in Dublin with Alex, Marco, Alexander and some of their girlfriends when I was over there to get to know the culture and to work. My work buddies and I had decided to visit a local pub after a successful week of work when I bumped into Jordan.

I had offered myself to order another round of beers when a rather sweaty yet gorgeous Jordan made his way through the mass of people. His eyes had burned into my side and he smiled when I looked at him when I was about to walk back to my booth with a tray of six beers. He had commented on the amount of beers for a single lady like myself and offered to help me carry it. He had moved closer, placed his hand on the small of my back as I tried to answer him over the music.

After about an hour we had moved over to Jordan's booth. Patric, one of my co workers go mad since Rebecca fell for Alex charm and hooked up with him once that night. I had certainly fallen for Jordan's charm, he had mumbled sweet nothings into my ear the whole night as his hand was resting either around my waist or shoulders. I had followed him home that night and did things I never would regret today. That night increased to two, then four and then weeks.

"Jordan, we've seen you with a pretty lady a few times and we certainly know she's not on the cast with you guys but would you like to?" Someone asked, making me blink quickly. I hadn't realized that I had started to daydream. Heat moved to my cheeks as I saw the cast members whistle and howl with smirks on their faces.

"I bet Jordan here want's her to play a little lover for Ubbe," Alexander said and the rest of the cast agreed. Jordan looked down with a huge smile on his face before looking back up at the person who asked the question.

"I think she would have some good qualities to join the cast yes, it would be fun as a dear friend of mine to join the cast yes," Jordan tried but people chuckled. He only shook his head with a smile before resting his back against the chair. Alex only wiggled his brows before answering a question to him. Jordan's eyes searched for mine in the back of the crowd and I smiled at him when our eyes met. I wiggled my brows at him when I got a playful idea in mind, maybe I could arrange some Ubbe lover action at home.

After hours of countless of interviews we were finally seated in a car on our way home. Jordan's hand was resting on my thigh as he looked out the window as my eyes were glued on my phone. I frowned when I saw a message from Marco. I pressed the link and Safari quickly opened it. My eyes widen as a smile spread across my lips when I saw the headline.

'Vikings actor Jordan Patrick Smith speaks about the idea of his girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N being his fùck buddy on the Vikings show' My eyes moved to the article.

'We can only assume that the Scottish actor with the company of his girlfriend has already practiced at home...Wonder what the casting director would think about that, the director would probably love it since there would be real chemistry between the pair,'

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