Chapter 1: Graduation day

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Hello all! This book is Hella old, and written by the younger version of myself who didn't know how to write very well. I cannot and will not tackle and edit this, and chose to never reread this book or even check for mistakes. This book is hideously gigantic and if you manage to read it all, I tip my hat to you! Beware of massive cringe, spelling errors and soooooo many short chapters. Thanks! 

-Author, 2024


*Naruto's POV*

I heard my alarm, waking me from my peaceful rest. I opened my eyes and my arm reached out and pressed the off button. I looked at the time and let out a soft groan of protest.

I always have to wake up two hours before school starts. Mom makes me wake up early so she can "spend time with me" before I leave. I laid upright and winced at the pain coming from my stomach. There the bruises never get healed. They are always overlapped by more. Mom thinks if she beats me where my seal is at, it will hurt it. I heard light footsteps growing louder as they slowly made their way up the staircase, so I stood from my bed and bowed. She opened the door, making me tense instinctively. I felt her eyes bore in the back of my head. I stood straight and looked up to her. She only stared back with an angry and pained look. 

"Get dressed." She growled and walked out of the room, leaving the door wide open. 

I nodded and walked over to my dresser where i had only one set of clothes and one set of pajamas. I got dressed from my pj's into my clothes and walked downstairs. I turned the stove on and began to cook me and her some breakfast. Jiraiya taught me how to cook when i was five. He stopped by and also taught me how to throw a kunai knife across the room in a straight line. I made me and Mom some eggs, made her a plate, made me my own and sat them down on our table. She walked in and began to eat while i did the same. There was nothing but eerie silence the whole time we ate. She glared at me while i stared at the food i made.

My mom used to be a ninja, but she resigned. She works at a food store now and its a pretty popular one so we are provided with plenty of money and food. She never drinks before she works and she doesn't drink on the job. But when she comes home I watch her down bottles until she gets drunk. That part of the day I hate the most. She always beats me the most during the afternoon. Sometimes she will in the mornings but that is only when i sleep through the alarm. My mom sorta forced me to join the ninja academy. She babbled on about me making my dad proud and becoming the next Hokage. So, today she said she was going to give me a big talk about not screwing up and what not. We finished eating and i put the dirty dishes away. I then walked in the living room and sat down on the couch and waited for her to walk in. When she did she sat down in the chair ahead of me and started talking.

"Now Naruto. Today is graduation day...the day you failed to pass twice." She spoke the last word with anger." If you fail again, i will not go easy on you. You are the son of the Fourth Hokage. You need to make him proud because he sacrificed himself to seal that thing inside of you, and save everyone including you. Don't disappoint him or me. Got it?" She asked in a very threatening tone.

"Y-Yes mom!" I said, honestly a little scared.

"Good. now. Brush your teeth and comb your hair...and cover that bruise on you collar bone it sticks out." Kushina commanded before walking in her room to get ready for work.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my makeup bag. yes, I have makeup. Only because mom buys me some so I can cover up bruises and cuts on my body. I consider it nice of her to do that. I grabbed foundation and began to cover the bruise and soon i looked good as new. I smiled brightly in the mirror and began to brush my teeth. I smiled at myself in the mirror as my sparkly white teeth shined in the light. I walked out and it was already almost time for me to leave. I walked to the door and put my sandals on and stretched. I made sure to brush my tail and ears before leaving the house. I ran off the porch and onto the streets of the village. As I ran, I received nasty looks from the villagers while others threw things at me. I ignored them since this was the usual everyday thing for me. I eventually got to school on time and walked into the building, heading for my class down the hallway. 

The other students seem to sometimes stare at my tail and ears and even ask to pet them, especially Kiba. He is a dog person and seems to like me because of the ears and tail. Kiba is a friend of mine although we never hang out. We don't even play together, we just look at one another and smile, make faces, and get the teacher angry with awesome pranks. My mom got onto me about them but i have fun with them so why stop? It makes me happy and it gives me something to do since i'm always bored when i'm home. I looked over to the person sitting next to me. Her name is Sakura Haruno. She finds me weird and calls me a freak only because of her dad and mom, they call me that so she does too. But i secretly like her, she is pretty and she has her moments when she is sweet. But sadly her eyes are on Sasuke. He is at the top of the class, the smartest kid in here. Well actually that part isn't true. The smart one in here is Shikamaru. He always thinks outside the box but he is very lazy so he is towards the bottom of the class. Back to Sasuke, his family and clan were killed by his big brother Itachi Uchiha. Mom told me about it on the day it happened. I feel bad for him since he lost everything and everyone in one night. But we are kinda alike...We have no friends, no one will play with us. 

Just then i was torn from my thoughts as Iruka-sensei walked in. I watched as two other ninja walk in with a tray full of Hidden Leaf Headbands. I smiled once i saw them, they are cool looking to me and i really want one. 

"Okay class today is graduation day and today, you will be performing shadow clone jutsu. Okay, first up, Sasuke Uchiha." Iruka smiled.

Sasuke stood and all the girls cheered except for Hinata, she seems to like me for some reason. Sasuke stood and i watched as he made a perfect clone. I smiled, i envy him sometimes because he is just so cool. No one really knows a lot about him, he never talks. But he does call me a loser from time to time when i try to outshine him.

"Shikamaru Nara." Iruka smiled.

Shikamaru dragged himself in front of him and performed the Jutsu well enough for him to receive the headband. 

"Choji Akamichi" Iruka called.

Choji's father is the chief of the Akamichi clan. I think it is pretty cool but the boys in that clan always eat. They are very fat but no one says that word around Choji, its his trigger word i guess. He performed it well enough so he also got a badge. 

"Sakura Haruno," Iruka called her and i smiled and waved but she rolled her eyes.

 She walked up and performed it perfectly like Sasuke did. she passed and got a badge and sat in her seat smiling happily. But her green emerald eyes went back on Sasuke. 

"Naruto Uzumaki" Iruka's eyes landed on me.

My tailed swayed and i stood up. I walked over to him and sighed. I built up my chakra and focused very hard on making a clone. Suddenly a dark chuckle echoed through my head and i gasped and the Jutsu activated on its own and soon there were five clones surrounding me. They were perfect...absolutely flawless. Iruka looked taken back, as if he expected me to fail. I passed. I grabbed my headband and sat in my seat.

Relief washed over me. Hopefully now, mom won't beat me as hard. A ninja needs strength to go on missions. Why did the Nine tails help me? I wonder if getting beaten in the stomach really hurts him. I sat there deep in thought as the others passed. The girls were staring at both me and Sasuke now. Some swooning over me. Some swooning over him. My ears were perked up as my name was being called and mentioned through out the rest of the class. Tomorro we meet our new teacher. Jonin. I wonder how cool they must be.

I stayed in thought until the bell rang. Today was my last day of school, and my first day as a Genin. I wonder how that will be. But what I'm sad about now is a I have to go home. I hope mom won't beat me. I hope she will be impressed. I wonder what it feels like to impress a parent. I wonder how they will react.

My ears flatten as I think of mom beating me. I look down and sigh. I stand up and my tail swayed but barely. I walked out and down the hallway, looking at the headband. I try to push my thoughts away for when I get home and I tie the headband around my head and it covered my forehead and I smile. I was so excited that I got on all fours. And sped home.

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