The real mission begins!

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Early that morning Naruto woke, hearing Pakun and Kakashi. Naruto went wide awake and sat up.

"Has he found the hideout?" Naruto asked.

"Yes he has. We also received word from Tsnade and Minato. Team Guy will acompany us. They will most likely arrive before we do, they are closer I they are already on their way." Kakashi Said.

"Gaara was with them for sure. I smelt him. With you having the math I shall go and guide team Guy to the hideout. Bye Kakashi." Pakun ran out.

Naruto looked at the circled location and he went serious. "That's about a two days trip back the way we came." Naruto stated seriously.

"Correct. Come on, we need to get the others." Kakashi said.

Naruto and Kakashi woke Sakura and Jirayah and soon packed provisions and supplies. Lady Cheo thought best if she tagged along. Although she is old, her skills as a ninja remain unfaultered. She was a puppet user. Like one of the reported Akatuski that took Gaara. They left soon after.

Naruto was ahead of the others. He growled and his eyes held a hint of red. He was very eager to get there. Kakashi was with Cheo explaining that Gaara was a close friend of Naruto's. Sakura chewed a food pill and dashed forwards, to catch up with Naruto.

"How long do you think the Akatuski have been after you?" Sakura asked.

"I don't know." Naruto looked forwards with a depressed face.

"Sasuke has about half a year before Orochimaru takes him for his body...right?" She asked.

Naruto nodded. "Yeah."

"Is the Nine tails affecting your head?" She asked, interrupting him.

"...y-yeah..." He frowned.

"You also have nightmares?" She asked.

"....y-yes." Naruto felt like tearing up. "Please stop as-"

"Is it true you almost killed Jirayah?" She asked.

Naruto stopped and eyed her with a very, very irritated expression.

Jirayah, Kakashi and Cheo stopped, realising they past them and turned to look at them. Naruto leaned on a tree and eyed her. Then growled at Jirayah.

"'s rude to ask questions like that...and its rude to tell people information the person doesn't want to be told." Naruto then moved forwards, way ahead of tthe now.

The other followrd. Sakura was just curious and she moved forwards. Kakashi eyed her every now and then but shook it off. He was half tempted to punch her for asking those questions. Jirayah only groaned and moved on from the moment, shoving the past away from his mind. The group reached an opening.

Naruto went wide eyed.

The hair

Those eyes

The cloak

The design

Naruto stopped and yanked the other back. He growled angrily. Sakura gasped. Kakashi and Jirayah growled. Cheo narrowed her eyes.

"Naruto who is that?" Sakura asked, seeing all the hostile faces.

"You've grown have grown and gotten stronger, I can tell. must come with me." The man spoke.

"Naruto. Who us he?" Sakura asked.

Naruto felt his heart twinge and he growled angrily.

"Itachi! Uchiha!" Naruto scowled. "I'm gonna kill you!" He threatened.

Kakashi gasped, but was too late...Naruto, already charged ahead...starting the battle.

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