"Its been awhile~"

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Naruto met where Yamato wanted the team to meet. Sakura walked up later and smiled. Then so did the guy that looked like Sasuke.

"So they are replacing him now...?" Naruto raised a brow.

"Who? Sasuke. Dont worry Naruto. I won't  cause any trouble...don't want to make the demon come out." He said. My name is Sai." He bowed.

Naruto's eye twitched and he kicked him." I'm no demon you are." Naruto snapped.

"Ouch!"He winced.

"Naruto! He is a nice man please don't hurt him." Sakura frowned.

"..." Naruto stood down and eyes him.

"I hope I can become your friend." Sai said.

"Tch...you wish." Naruto sighed.

He suddenly turned cheery and tackle hugged Yamato.

"Hi!" Naruto smiled.

"Uh...hey." Yamato stood and was taken back. "You feelin better?"

"As great as I'll ever be! Me and Sai were just talking. A great guy!" Naruto grinned.

"But I thought you didn't want to be my fr-"

"HAHAHAHA WONDERFUL TIME!" Naruto inturruped Sai loudly.

"Well, this mission is a stretch. And we must prepare for anything. I'll Get into details later. Now come on...you have one hour to meet at the main front gate. Move it." Yamato said.

Naruto ran home and packed stuff, threw on the necklace and ran straight out after hugging his dad goodbye. They group met up, and left. Naruto walked forwards and conversated with Sakura.

"You sure he was telling the truth?" Naruto asked.

"I'm sure. Sasori said this with his dying breath that one of Orochimarus spies would meet at the tenchi bridge." Sakura said.

"Okay, if he was telling the truth. What would we do if Orochimaru were to show up?" Naruto asked.

"..." she didn't know how to answer.

"We question him  and if he doesn't answer...fight. but we must take him by surprise." Yamato said.

"Got it." Naruto said.

"Hey are you alright Naruto? You look nervous. " Sai said.

"I'm fine." Naruto smiled happily.

"... Sakura sighed and walked forwards.

Over the course of a few days they trained in their free time for potential battle with the spy and Orochimaru. They also planned out how to Capture him. The bridge is located in a place with high wind. So they were to stay downhill so their presence would remain hidden.

(Night before the arrival of the spy)

Naruto looked at the small fire, watching the flames dance and heat the chilly air. He didn't like the look of it, it reminded him too much of the red fiery eyes of the nine tails.

Back in the leaf Kakashi was in his hospital room, Minato kept him company. He frowned at seeing how miserable Kakashi looked.

"Hey, Kakashi what's wrong?" Minato asked.

"It's just Naruto. I want to save him from his pain...but all I can do is be supportive. I want to snatch it and kill the pain he feels." Kakashi sughed.

"I know...it's hard watching my son. He seems so broken. He has random moments of weakness or bloodlust. I want to take his pain from him as well." Minato sighed. "But I believe my son can overcome it." Minato said.

"...i-i love him...more then anything in this world. He has dug a deep hole in my heart where he lays..." Kakashi said with a smile and tearful eyes. "I would love to be the one to make his pain fade. I would love to have him in the light with me." Kakashi said.

"..." Minato suspected Kakashi and Naruto would be a thing so this came as no surprise.

"Don't worry...Naruto loves you too. If anyone can save him, its you." Minato hugged his student.

"Thanks Minato Sensei." Kakashi smiled and hugged back.

The next day came. Yamato disguised himself as Sasori and walked out to the bridge. And sure enough after a while...a hooded figure came into veiw on the other side of the bridge. Naruto, Sakura and Sai were hidden in bushes...where the wind blew at them. There whispers  were unheard and their presence was concealed.

The spy revealed himself...as Kabuto. Naruto felt rage boil and almost bolted forwards but Sai and Sakura hushed him and calmed his nerves, Sao massaging his shoulders and back to distract him.

"I can't hear what they are saying." Naruto whispered.

"Me either. And its a good thing, it means we aren't able to be heard as well." Sakura stated quietly.

He watched and noticed they went alert and looked over their shoulders.

There he was...

Orochimaru. The devil in human clothes.

Naruto's eyes burned red, he bit his lower lip to keep himself from sharing in, drawing blood.

Yamato suddenly gave the signal as he turned to normal and the three jumped out and landed on the bridge in from of Yamato. Orochimaru's smirk spread as he saw Naruto.

"Oh my~Naruto you have grown...I can tell your stronger and more mature~How I missed you dearly." He chuckled.

"Give Sasuke back!" Naruto growled. "Or I'll kill you!" He hissed.

"My my~. Quite the temper. Come on. Don't you miss being my puppet?" He frowned.

"What does that mean Naruto?" Yamato narrowed his eyes.

"Shut it!" Naruto snapped at Yamato and stood and walked forwards.

"Naruto don't get close!" Sai Yamato and Sakura yelled.

"Hn." Orochimaru licked his fangs.

Kabuto growled and held out blades. "Not another step!"

"Or what...gonna hurt me and call me a monster?" Naruto eyed him. "Go on do it!" Naruto smiled happily. "Fifty points of us get my head. "Seventy if you hit my heart." He smiled.

Kabuto threw his blades.

"I'll sho you what a monster looks like!" Naruto started to lose himself.

His cloak wrapped around him and a second tail formed. Orochimaru chuckled and Yamato and the others grew worried for their safety.

You Make My Pain Fade (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now