The Truth leads to insanity

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(((((The song matches Naruto I'm a bit..


Naruto looked blankly at the air in front of him. His eyes burned and he winced. Blood poored from his eyes and he held his hands up to them. One turned into a Sharingan and the other just lowrd red because of Kurama.

Kurama was in shock at the new neighbor. The ten tails lowered his head and studied Kurama. Kurama backed into his cage obediently as to not make he beast hostile. The ten tails laid down and closed his eye. Him giving all his chakra to the teen.

Naruto looked at his dad. And everyone else. And then at the ninja who were just waitin for something bad to happen.

"N-Naruto!? Did you just..." Minato was at a loss for words.

"Oh my God." Jirayah was in shock.

"...Naruto did you absorb it!? Doesn't that mean..."Kakashi trailed off.

"He is now the host of that beast." Sasuke looked away with slight sorrow.

"Naruto." Sakura said in a mumble, her mind going wild with what if questions.

"Naruto." Hashirama walked to him. "Why did it give itself to you?" He asked out of pure shock and need to know.

Naruto turned and looked at him. his Sharingan eye looked him over and he looked at the hand Hashirama had placed on his shoulder. Without speaking, a black orb turned into a Spike and it shot into his arm and Naruto narrowed his eyes seeing no pain in the reaction. Just more shock.

"Get your hand off me." Naruto orders.

Hashirama pulled his arm off the spike and moved his hand off of him. Naruto looked at the feild of Ninja and he big his thumbs and slammed them into the ground. The ten tails smirked and roared loudly.

An army of monsters that resembles the design of the ten tails formed and attacked the ninja. Minato went hostile and attacked Naruto. Naruto turned his head lightly and eyed him. A huge tornado formed and it swept towards them. It sucked Minato and The Second and third Hokage into it and shot them into a mountain.

"NARUTO STOP!" Kakasi charged with a chidori.

Obito got in his way in a flash and formed a pole and stabbed it up into his arm. Kakashi winced and kicked him back and they got into a heated battle. Kakashi was trying to get to his love but Obito prevented him.

"You aren't going to be there for him!" Obito hissed.

Kakashi didn't talk, he only fought with responding to Obito's words.

Madara landed in front of Naruto. He studied him and Naruto scoffed and walked past him and onto the battlefield and watched the chaos play out. No one knew...he wasn't even consious. It was the Ten tails doing everything he had a plan to pull the chakra from everyone once in his true form. But he needed time.

Lots of time

"Naruto." Madara walked to him.

"What?" Naruto looked at him coldly.

"We need to strategize a plan while the ten tails is going through it's metamorphosis." Madara spoke. "A plan of attack."

"I already have one. And that is simply to hold them back. And I'm not Naruto.  That weakling can hardly stay consious with my dens chakra inside him." He growled.

"Noted." Madara looked at watched the death and massacre play out.

Naruto winced lightly. He was shocked.

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