"You're a monster..."

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*Naruto's POV*

I groaned and opened my eyes to see I didn't his the ground. I looked up to see Itachi staring at me. I jumped a little bit calmed down. Kisame was standing next to him.

"What happened kid?" Kisame asked me.

"Naruto hulucinated Zabuza as Kushina." Itachi replayed before I can.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"My Sharingan...I looked into your mind, my apologies." Itachi set me on my feet.

"You're fine." Naruto smiled. 

Naruto heard Sasuke and Sakura yelling, Kakashi yelling things and he went alert but winced slightly. He hurt his back when he hit the tree. 

"Don't worry kid, you can borrow my chakra, most of yours is focusing around your wound on your back.  You have the potential to be a regular ninja and a medical ninja." Kisame smirked and placed his hand on Naruto's head, a lot of chakra pooring into him.

"I gotta go!" Naruto said and dashed towards the fight. 

He ran quickly and a rush of energy bolted through him and his eyes glowed red. He felt anger boil as he heard Sasuke getting hurt and he grew claws and fangs. red chakra formed around him in the shape of a fox, a chakra tail swaying behind him. Naruto roared and trees shook and knocked over and Naruto ran out in the opening and everyone looked at him in shock. Kakashi was fearful for everyone's saftey now, including Naruto's.

Naruto roared and slashed Zabuza away from Sasuke. Sasuke gasped, the claws barely scratched Sasuke's face. Sakura was frozen with fear, the only thing she could think if was the words Monster and Demon. Naruto was instantly next to Zabuza and Naruto grabbed him by the throat and slashed it open. Zabuza yelled and froze, slowly choking and dying.

A ninja ran out of the trees wearing a mask and threw fifty needles into Naruto. Kakashi gasped and ran after the ninjas the water prison being broken. Kakashi fought along side his student. Naruto didn't hurt Kakashi and they worked together to defeat the ninja who was very very fast on their feet. Naruto ripped the needles out and threw them into her chest where their lungs and heart were. Kakashi stopped moving and watched the ninja drop dead. Naruto eyed them and growled. Sasuke stood and Sakura hid behind Tazuna trembling. Tazuna eyed Naruto and made sure Sakura was behind him. Kakashi looked at Naruto with a worried look.

"Naruto calm your nerves." Kakashi said, worry was thick in his voice.

"Ggggrrr!" He growled and got low to the ground as if he was about to pounce.

"Naruto please. Calm down before you hurt someone you love." Kakashi said.

Naruto suddenly turned to normal. The thick and evil chakra vanishing. Naruto collapsed, out of energy and low on chakra. His chakra was focused on his back and the nine tails chakra vanishes from him so it left him weak.

"You're a monster..." Sasuke looked at him.

"..." Sakura was crying, very scared of Naruto.

Naruto felt his heart shatter. The looks he was receiving were cold and hateful. As if he really was a monster. Naruto's ears flattened and he backed up slightly. Tazuna walked forwards and Sakura stayed behind him. Sasuke followed and Kakashi looked at Naruto.

"Come on Naruto. Let's complete this mission and go home." Kakashi walked forwards.

Naruto didn't want to move. He felt so heart broken because he scared his teammates. He watched and waited for them to be a good distance and Naruto followed but in the treeline and very slowly. Keeping them in sight by a little so he can navigate his way without having to be near them. Kakashi sighed and looked forwards.

"Comrades should never treat each other like that. I could tell you were scolding him by the look in your eyes...and my Sharingan...because of this distrust you have with him I will make sure to train you until your feet and hands bleed." Kakashi growled with no mercy in his voice.

"But Kakashi Sensei he is a freak! He had a tail and has Fox ears and that chakra he just exposed to us was thick and twisted! He isn't normal. He probably isn't human!" Sakura said with a scared and disgusted expression.


Sakura froze and Sasuke was shocked, this information was new to them both.

"T-the son of the forth Hokage...?" Sasuke turned and looke at the enraged Jonin.

"Seriously!?" Sakura was shocked.

"Yes! I'm serious! Now. When he finally gets himself to get near you two you better apologize to him! He went through hell because the fourth sealed the nine tails in him! No one not wven Sasuke can even imagine how he feels! Alone! Betrayed! Left out! Unloved! Worthless! Demon! Inhuman! A freak! I mean his Mom...his own mom abused and tried to kill him! You two are just spoiled! You deserve to be punished... Naruto doesn't deserve this distrust from you too!" Kakashi stopped them.

Tazuna was shocked to hear what Naruto has went through. Sakura and Sasuke hung their heads in shame and regret.

Later they reached Tazuna's house and walked inside to eat before a night long training session. Naruto was in the distance, sitting down. Naruto slowly crept up to the house as the three left to train. Naruto waited for them to go out if sight and when they did Naruto walked inside hesitantly.

Tazuna had his daughter fix Naruto dinner and Naruto crept outside to eat his soup and rice balls. Naruto was up in a tree, hidden and away from people. Itachi and kisame appeared next to him and sat down,  then having their own food to eat.

"That was brutal. They instantly betrayed you once they saw your powers." Kisame smirked." Poor boy."

"Don't worry Naruto. We have special abilities too. You fit in with the rest of us." Itachi looked at Naruto.

"Really? You don't think I'm a monster...?" Naruto looked at Itachi and Kisame with slightly hopeful eyes.

"You aren't a monster...you are a human being with amazing gifts." Itachi said.

Naruto smiled happily. "I guess you are my only friends besides Kakashi then..."

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