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Naruto walked to the academy and looked at his swing and sat down in it. He swung and sighed. He watched a generation walk out and leaned on the chains. He saw Iruka walk out and watched the kids leave and sighed happily. He turned his attention to Naruto and blinked. He walked over and smiled.

"Heya Naruto!" He smiled brightly.

"...hey." Naruto looked down.

"Hey Iruka sensei!" A boy ran up.

Naruto looked at him and noticed he had a large scar down his arm and a bruise hidden on his neck with a poorly wrapped bandage. Naruto's eyes widened.

"Hey Miko." Iruka chuckled. "You are still top of the class if you are wondering." Iruka laughed.

"Great! I love school...I just wish it could last all day." He frowned. "My dad forgot to pick me up again...I Don't want to be alone." He looked down.

"We can walk you home." Naruto stood with a soft smile, shoving his worry behind him.

"Thank you so much!" He smiled.

Iruka walked with the kid and Naruto did as well. People eyed Naruto and seemed to hate him more then usual, knowing the cause of Asuma's death and they blamed him.

"So, Miko was it?" Naruto smiled. "What do you want to be when you grow older?"

The boy's silver and gold eyes landed on Naruto and he smiled widely." I want to be a Jonin like my grandfather! He fought and died bravely against the nine tails! My dad tells me stories all the time about it." He smiled.

"W-wow. Thats great! Having a role model is the best thing to inspire you at your age." Naruto smiled. "I think you have potential to do anything." Naruto said softly.

"Wow! Thanks a lot!" He giggled and hugged Naruto.

Iruka looked at Naruto with an apologetic look. Naruto's smile wavered but held it in place. The three walked to Miko's house and knocked on the door.

"WHO THE HELL IS IT!?" A female screetched.

Miko straightened his posture and fixed his hair. Naruto then knew suddenly what was happening...He was just like him.

His mom was abusive.

The door opened and she glanced at Naruto and Iruka and then at Miko and shot him a glare. Iruka was hesitant but let go of Miko's shoulder.

"Dad is still working and Iruka and Naruto decided to escort me home." He smiled.

"Oh yeah...? " she eyed the two. "Naruto eh...Miko you do know he has the nine tails in him right? He killed your grandfather." She spoke.

"..." Miko looked at Naruto. "No he didn't. If the nine tails is inside him...then that means it wasn't Naruto's fault. He is just being blamed." Miko said.

Naruto was shocked and looked at him." Seriously...?" He asked.

"Yes im serious. Your no monster like my friends say. You are a ninja. I admire you." He smiled.

Naruto hugged him and stood. He then yanked his shirt off. Miko gasped and tried to cover the cuts and bruises and seemed scared suddenly. Naruto held his shoulder and pulled him away from his mother.

"You like beating kids?" Naruto asked his mom.

"N-Naruto p-please don't she w-will kill you!" He looked absolutely frightened and dead scared his eyes showing trauma.

"..." she growled.

Out of no where Naruto was suddenly in the house and he was confused. Miko covered his eyes. She had poisoned him the moment he pulled the shirt off, she was a Jonin. She made poisons for Anbu as a living, and was highly paid. Iruka ran in but he suddenly collapsed.

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