Kakashi and InoShikaCho

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"W-what you can't be serious he just killed Anbu and tried using you to kill Tsunade." Minato growled.

"I wasn't asking you to...I was telling you. Naruto spoke bluntly. "He is just like me...broken..." Narut o said simply.

Minato looked at Naruto and ripped his Han out of Naruto's iron grip.

"I won't take care of him! He might be my adopted son, but he will be your responsibility understand?" Minato asked.

"....your terrible." Naruto shook his head and shunshined him to tthe adoption place.

About an hour later, Milo was renamed Miko Namakazi. Miko was happy and he acted like a normal child. Minato suddenly got an idea. He missed Naruto's childhood...but with Miko, he must jusy have another shot at raising a son.

"Listen Naruto." He sighed, stressing. "I'll take care of Miko but he will be punished. I suggest a year of hard Labor." Minato said.

"Six months." Naruto eyed him.

"Finem six months. Got me Miko?" Minato looked at Miko.

"Understood." He smiled.

"With this resolved, and sense we had to miss the funeral...it's right back to training young man." Minato looked at Naruto.

Naruto nodded and they walked to the training field and begun to train.

It was night time and Kakasi still hasn't appeared and Naruto was getting worried. He was getting closer however and was able to put Wind style slightly in the jutsu.  Miko watched with full interest.

Naruto growled and panted. "It's like trying to look left and right at the same time!" Naruto groaned. "I can't do this".

"you can." Minato firmed a clone. "Left." He turned.

The other turned to the right" right"

..." Naruto got an idea" DAD YOUR A GENIUS!" Naruto smiled widely.

"Uh, I am?" Minato asked with confusion.

"Yes!" He cheered.

The groups of two became groups of three and soon begun to work harder and more focused. Miko sat down and watched the training.

"This seems hard...how can he make so many clones?" Miko asked.

"Because he is special. He has lots of chakrs to spare." Yamato explained.

The day turned to night and InoShikaCho made their way the to main gates, going out to seek revenge for Asuma. Kakashi walked up to them...and together they left. Naruto was unaware of this even happening but Minato and Yamato had a hunch. The two Akatuski were in the land of fire ..and less then a day away from the leaf.

Them both seeking Naruto.

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