Chapter 4: The bell test

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The next day Sakura and Sasuke were on a bridge, waiting meet their sensei who hasn't tshown up yet. Naruto was on his way, moving slower today. The nine rails healed most of Naruto's wound but the bruising on his stomach was still there. Naruto walked to the bridge and saw that Kakashi wasn't there.

"Geez Naruto! Try to be here on time!" Sakura folded her arms.

"..." Sasuke didn't even glance at Naruto.

Naruto grew a little annoyed with Sasuke, a sudden annoyance struck him and his eye twitched. Naruto walked up to him and stood right in front of his gaze.

"Hey, duck butt head...why you acting all high and mighty?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke looked at Naruto with annoyance as well.

"Tch, go bug someone else loser." Sasuke bit back.

"You're the loser..." Naruto said folding his arms.

"Hey, go bother someone else before I show you how much of a loser you are Fox ears." Sasuke stood straight and had anger in his voice.

"Oh no! Mister I'm so better then everyone else is threatening me. Hahaha! I'm not intimidated by you duck butt head." Naruto's tail thrashed angrily behind him.

"You are only embarrassing yourself pest." Sasuke said.

"Your saying that because you are to afraid to challenge and lose to me emo gothic spawn."  Naruto smirked.

"Waist of space..." Sasuke hissed.

"Cool kid wanna be!" Naruto said.

"Burden!" Sasuke snapped.

"Loner!" Naruto snapped back.

"Demon!" Sasuke growled." You are a freak and a demon and a loser. I would gladly be rid of you any time I feel like it..." Sasuke pulled out a kunai.

"All bark and no bite..." Naruto balled his fist and a show clone clone formed beside him.

"Tch, I'm not a coward." Sasuke got into a fighting position.

"Prove me wrong." Naruto challenged.

Sasuke swung his blade and Naruto dodged it and kicked it out of his hands. Sasuke then wove the shadow clone hand sign and three showed up. They all attacked Naruto and his clone. Sakura watched and cheered.

"Go Sasuke!" Sakura cheered Sasuke on.

Naruto grabbed Sasuke and threw him into a pole on the bridge and Sasuke growled in pain. He leapt forwards and wove fire style hand signs. Kakashi showed up and once he did his eye widened.

"FIRE BALL JUTSU!" Sasuke shouted.

He held his hand up to his mouth and seemed to breath out a fireball. Naruto shoved Sakura out of the way and leapt out of the way but his leg got burned. Naruto winced and pulled out a kunai. Kakashi walked to Sakura and helped her up and walked over to the fighting Genin.

"Guys guys sto-" he was ignored.

Sasuke threw Kunai right in front of Kakashi's face and straight for Naruto's head but Naruto dodged them. Sasuke used this moment to charge up to the blonde and knee him in the stomach. Naruto yelled in pain and coughed. He instantly collapsed and grabbed his sides curling up. He stood back up and his anger boiled and he grew claws and he lashed at Sasuke but Kakashi grabbed his wrist and picked Sasuke up by the collar who was about to throw more blades.

"SASUKE! NARUTO! ENOUGH!" Kakashi yelled snapping them out of their want to defeat the other.

Kakashi set them down and they both calmed down. Kakashi groaned and sighed.

"Now today is a test...I call the bell test...let's go to a training ground and I'll explain everything there." Kakashi walked forwards, Sakura following beside him.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and walkes forwards, on the other side of Kakashi while Naruto kept a short distance between him and them. Kakashi noticed and sighed he told Sasuke and Sakura to walk on ahead while he went back to Naruto.

"Why where you and Sasuke fighting?" Kakashi asked.

"I was tired of him acting all high and mighty and he called me a loser. Naruto said folding his arms, appearing to be mad.

"...Naruto You just can't pick fights like that." Kakashi said.

"Mom says if someone offends me or hurts me..I hurt them back." Naruto looked at Kakashi.

"When did Kushina say this?" Kakashi raised a brow.

"When I was 10." Naruto replied.

They go to the field and Kakashi pulled out two bells.

"Now. This is a test to see if you are worthy of being Genin...if you go back to the acedemy, if you are official ful fledged ninja." Kakashi explained.

"Wait!? Back to the academy!?" Naruto and Sakura shouted at the same time.

"Mhm, that's right." Kakashi said." Now, you will have until lunch to take the bells from my hand..." Kakashi said." One...two....go!" Kakashi said and Sakura and Sasuke backed off into the trees.

Naruto stayed out in the open and got into a fighting position. Kakashi took out his book and opened it and began to read it. Naruto pouted and he took out a Kunai and charged. Kakashi easily dodged the poor attempt to stab him. Naruto swung his legs for Kakashi's but Kakashi jumped backwards. Naruto stood and thought for a moment. His tail swaying behind him. He jumped back into the trees and watched as kunai impaled him in multiple places. Naruto went pale but was relieved when Kakashi turned into a log. Naruto traveled into the treeline and spotted Sakura and Sasuke. Naruto hid his pre sense and snuck up on Sasuke and saw Kakashi sneaking behind him and pulling out his book. Naruto's eyes turned dull and he silently moved from branch to branch. He watched as Kakashi scared Sasuke making Sasuke lash out. Sasuke cut through a shadow and as Soon as the real Kakashi jumped at him Naruto was ready to prance  He moved very close to them and the moment Kakashi left himself open from Naruto's angle, Naruto pounced onto Kakashi and snagged both of the bells and gave one to Sasuke and the other to Sakura. Kakashi was surprised Naruto kept himself hidden so well. However...Sasuke was jealous...He didn't want to be weaker then Naruto...and now he wanted to prove to himself and to Naruto...that he is stronger...

"You all pass." Kakashi smiled under his mask.

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