mission start!

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Naruto woke up screaming, him dreaming of his mom killing him over and over. He panted heavily, beads of sweat rolling down his body. Naruto looked at his clock, seeing It was early in the morning. He teared up and was trying not to cry, but couldn't help it. He cried out Ihos frustration and took a shower. He got dressed and brushed his teeth and noticed a huge gash in his neck and went pale. He sewed it up and sighed. He walked downstairs, ate breakfast. Naruto got ready and packed his bag and left, running for the gates of Konoha. Already there was Taxuna, Sakura  and Sasuke. Naruto ran up to them and smiled, Kakashi arivvung not long after and soon they left the leaf village, starting their escort mission to the land of waves.

Soon in the afternoon, a bit past noon, they were walking along the same dirt road. Naruto was bored, groaning about the heat. Sasuke was quiet and non talkative as usual and Sakura was smiling, admiring the suroundings. They walked over a few small bridges and crossed and turned down paths. But the peace won't last forecer. They walked by and a puddle was on the ground. Kakashi looked at it and looked forwards. Naruto didn't mind it and neither did Tazuna, Sakura or Sasuke.

Two heads came from it and soon, two ninja were on the ground, undetected behind them about ten feet away. They suddenly charged, wearing huge armored hands with chains and claws. Kakashi gasped in shock and turned to face them but before he could react, the ninja wrapped him in a chain made or shiriken. Naruto, Tazuna Sakura, and Sasuke turned, shocked.

"Kakashi!" They all gasped.

The two snickered and yanked their arms outwards and the chains ripped Kakashi apart. Pieces falling into he cloud of dust and onto the ground.

Naruto was in shock and was frozen with fear and disbelief. Sakura guarded Tazuna and Sasuke was also shocked. Naruto went stiff still when they were directly behind him.

"You're next~!" They giggled.

Naruto turned his head slightly, to afraid to move. They lashed out but Sasuke threw a shiriken through one of the holes in the chains and it nailed to a tree. The rogue Chunin were shocked. They then detached the chain and one went for Tazuna. Sakura braced herself for pain but gasped when Sasuke stood in from of her and Tazuna. Meanwhile one lashed out at Naruto. Naruto yanked out a Kunai and the claws collided with the blades although one sliced a gash in his hand. He noticed the stiched gash on his neck and chuckled. Kakashi suddenly ran out and grabbed the one by Tazuna by the neck and knocked him out. The Other one with Naruto gripped the Kunai and twisted it from Naruto's Gand and almost instantly went for his neck, Naruto felt pain as the claw, coated with poison sliced into it. Blood rushed everywhere and choked Naruto but he yanked another out and stabbed him in the gut. Kakashi was instantly behind Naruto and squeezed his hands over the wound to slow the bleeding. Sakura dragged The knocked out ninja and tied him to a tree.

"Naruto!" Sasuke ran up to him and pulled out bandages and cloth.

Naruto was flipping out and pressed his hands on Kakashi's applying extra pressure, he couldn't breathe but it stopped the bleeding. Naruto coughed up the remain I blood in his throat and shook. Kakashi removed his hands and quickly took the bandages and wrapped them around Naruto's neck. Naruto leaned on Kakashi and he held his Kunai tightly and stabbed it into his own hand, getting the poison out of his blood. Naruto took the Kunai out and watched the wound heal and sighed. Sasuke calmed down and Sakura did as well.

Kakashi had a long talk with Tazuna and Naruto removed his bandages and the wound was healed. Later on they walked in complete silence. Naruto was eying Tazuna and Kakashi was alert, making sure he didn't sense any other enemy ninja around them. They reached a dock with a small speed boat. They all got In and the man drove forwards, looking serious and alert.

*Naruto's pov*

I looked over in the water to see Kisame, well hidden in the water. I lifted some fingers, giving a slight wave, even his chakra was hidden. He held his hand up as if he was shushing me and continued to, what seemed like guarding the boat. I turned my head to the other side to see Itachi, but deeper in the water, water around his head being pushed by chakra allowing him to breathe. I think Kisame has actual gills though, he's fine.

I looked forward, not mentioning their presence to anyone. Kakashi got Tazuna to explain what has been happening and why people were after him. H went on about a guy named Gato from some shipment company who happens to be a gangster of some sort. The water grew brighter and brighter so Itachi and Kisame swam down until even I couldn't see them, not even a little bit.

Soon we reached land it is was nice not to be surrounded by fog...welp...I guess the real mission starts here.

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