Special 15k Chapter!

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Naruto was in the hospital for a while. Kakashi would visit everyday and wait for Naruto to wake up. Naruto was still asleep. He was out of it so his arm could heal, Tsunade made sure he stayed asleep until the major things in his arm would settle down. Minato never wanted to leave, and like Kakashi, spent the majority of his time with Naruto. Sakura would bring him flowers and so would Sai.

Kakashi looked at Naruto's sleeping self. He watched him breathe and sighed. Naruto stirred in his sleep, the medicatons keeping him asleep wearing off like it does every five days.

Kakashi looked up and looked at him Naruto groaned and his eyes opened weakly. He looked over and saw Kakashi.

"...k-kakashi?" Naruto asked.

"Hey Naruto. How you feeling?" Kakashi asked.

"Ah! My arm!" Naruto winced.

"I know. It's getting better. We looked at the x rays. Your arm is healing very quickly." Kakashi smiled.

"Thats good." Naruto sighed.

He looked up as he remembered being easily overpowered and teared up. He cried suddenly and Kakashi stood and frowned.

"Kakashi it hurts so bad...why does my life have to be this way...?" Naruto sniffed.

"I don't know. And I will make your pain fade. I promise." Kakashi whispered .

"..."Naruto smiled.

A nurse walked in and she had a long syringe in her hand. She pushed it in Naruto's neck, which made him tense and he was knocked out, halfway through the injection. Kakashi looked at how lifeless he suddenly became and frowned. Kakashi stood and walked out. He headed to his house. He watched as Asuma and a team leave and raised a brow, until her overheard some other Jonin speak up.

"Did you hear one of the guardian shinobi twelve was captured by the Akatuski?"

"Yeah, its awful, considering how Asuma worked with him. they sent a big team to go to many stations where you turn in people for money. He had a high bounty." The other said.

Kakashi sighed and walked to his place and shut the door behind him.

"Naruto needs to get stronger..." Kakashi mumbled. "The Akatuski seem to be a common subject recently, this is bad." He bit his thumb. "I should figure something out with Minato." Kakashi then shunshined to Minato and Naruto's place.

"hey Kakashi." Minato said.

"Minato. you know Naruto needs to get stronger. I had an idea." Kakashi said.

"WHat." Minato asked.

"Your rasengan. What if we could find his chakra nature and put that into the Rasengan and complete the jutsu, and have him possess a powerful jutsu. " KAkashi said.

"That will take years." Minato frowned.

"..." Kakashi thought on it and the two smiled. "Maybe not."

"I catch your drift." Minato smiled. "Shadow clones. Naruto can make one hundred, possibly more." He smiled with glee.

"Heh, yeah, he has so much chakra." Kakashi chuckled. More then you ya geezer." Kakashi lightly punched Minato's shoulder.

"Hey' I'll have you know I'm only 39!" Minato frowned.

"Heh still that's old. I'm only 22." Kakashi chuckled.

"Yet your Interested in my 16 year old son." Minato folds his arms.

"Though our age is different. Love doesn't care!" Kakashi posed dramatically. (Basically posed like the Attack On Titan salute.)

You Make My Pain Fade (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now