Chapter 25

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Randy glumly ate his sandwich, Howard watched him with an eyebrow raised.

"What's up with you?" He asked, Randy sighed throwing the sandwich wrapper away. He laid his head on the lunch table, Dream had an emergency practice and wasn't present.

"Howard, I think I-" Randy stopped to think, if he told Howard he would surely become angry at him, "Never mind." Howard raised an eyebrow before shaking his head and turning away, a flash of Dream's painful expression when she looked at Randy played in his mind.

"You know," He began looking at Randy, "Dream has been a little sad lately," He mentioned, "We should try and get her with someone."

"What!? No!" He stood up quickly, Howard's eyes widened. Randy went red before groaning and walking out, he sighed leaning against the hallway walls, he took a moment before walking away and going to his locker.

"Randy? What are you doing out here?" He turned swiftly a part of him hoped that Dream had stumbled upon him, but he saw Theresa standing there.

"Oh, hi Theresa. Is practice over?" He asked, she nodded.

"Yeah, Dream went back to the cafeteria, but why are you out here?" She repeated, Randy sighed.

"I don't actually know, I got upset at something that Howard told me." He groaned at how unmanly he sounded. Theresa raised an eyebrow.

"What did he say?" She didn't mean to pry but she already didn't like Randy and wanted to make sure it wasn't something about Dream.

"He said he wanted to get Dream together with someone." Theresa glared her eyes slightly.

"And why did you get upset?" She asked, in a split second Randy let his colors show.

"Because I don't want to help her get with someone because-" He was about to finish and confessing his feeling but Theresa cut him off.

"I knew it," She growled, "You're only faking being her friend, you've been doing all of this so when you finally betray her, it'll be worse!" Randy's eyes widened.

"No, that's not why!" She didn't let him finish as she left, "Theresa, I love Dream!" He covered his mouth quickly as blood began to rush to his face, Theresa stopped turning to him in shock.

"You do?" It was shocking to hear this, only a few months ago he seemed to hate her guts but here he is claiming he loves her.

"Yes," He sighed, "For a while I've had these feelings but I couldn't identify them until now, I don't know what to do." Theresa looked down before looking back up.

"I'll help you."

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