Chapter 8- Kevin's Crew

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The next day Midnight and I drove to school just as Sophie was approaching the front steps.

I was about to run up to her when she stopped and locked eyes with a black haired boy wearing an Imagine Dragons tee shirt, black jeans and red sneakers leaning against the steps. I barely heard her whisper "mate" as I slowly strolled over to her.

"HEY THERE SOPH!" I said loudly behind her, an she didn't even flinch.

I raised an eyebrow at her, and waved a hand in her face.

"Hello, earth to Sophie?" Makayla said as she came bounding up to us.

"She's in that state of mind." I whispered to her, and she stifled a laugh.

Sophie started to walk over to the boy, and he wrapped his arms around her protectively.

"Hi, I'm William." he said huskily, and just then Stiles walked up to me and kissed my head.

"Hey there hot stuff." he whispered sexily in my ear, and I almost melted.

"Hey baby, what's up?" I asked, an kissed his cheek.

He shrugged, and I glanced at Sophie and 'William' to find them making out under a tree.

"Get a room!" I yelled, and the blush on Sophie's cheeks was undeniable. Makayla and I giggled as the two exchanged numbers.

Sophie rushed back to us and did the 'call me!' sign to William.

When we entered the school, she had a huge grin on her face.

"Someone's happy today." a voice said from behind, and I quickly spun around to see Kevin and his posse.

"What do YOU want?" Stiles spat at him, and Sabrina appeared by Kevin's side. She kissed his lips, and I scowled.

"Move out of the way losers." Sabrina said, and Sophie shrunk back behind me, grabbing my arm like a small child.

"Why? I don't see your name on this hallway." I said, my voice calm and collected.

"I rule this school, Angel, my sweet baby sister, and you should know that." and with that, he pushed past us and continued down the hallway.

"Bitch." i mumbled under my breath, and Makayla and Sophie giggled.

"We should get going." Stiles said, and we headed to our classes.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey everyone! Sorry for the shortish wait, there will be more later tonight. Possibly. Haha! :D ~XOXO Sophie

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