Chapter 22- Midnight's Mate and Red's Brother

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I bolted down the hallway and tried to contain my wolf.

Tundra was inside Red and Steams bedroom, holding a baseball bat in hand. He cornered Red, an Steam growled at him.

"You stay away from her, you hear me!" he yelled, and I flinched.

Steam had never yelled before. Jeez, he really loves Red.

The door was locked, and Angel and Stiles came running down the hall after me.

I kicked down the door, and we all backed Steam up. Red had tears streaming down her face, and her arms wrapped around her belly protectively.

"TUNDRA!" Angel roared, a and Steam jumped in front of Red, holding his arms out in front if her.

"Touch this girl, and die." he threatened, but Tundra appeared calm.

"That rouge needs to die, she will never be the alpha!" he cried, and swung his bat in a arch towards Steam.

Angel stepped in front of him and caught the bat in her left hand.

"No one. I repeat, NO ONE! Hurts my pack and gets away with it." she sneered, and flipped the bat so it was in her hands.

Tundra put his hands up and shifted into his dark brown wolf, lunging at Angel. She shifted quickly into her snowy white one, and bared her teeth.

Tundra wasn't scared though, he had confidence.

I shifted, and so did Stiles. We all cornered Tundra, while Steam held the sobbing Red in his arms over on the bed.

Angel growled, and before Tundra could respond, she bit into his neck and he crumpled to the floor. (A/N: No, he's not dead... Just badly wounded and passed out.)

Then, in jumped a light red wolf, who stood proud and talk as Res turned around to face us.

"Hunter?" she whispered, and the wolf jumped back out the window, and reappeared in human form.

We locked eyes, and I shifted out of my wolf. He stood there, looking my naked body up and down.

My wolf yipped, excitement in her eyes, as we said at the same time...


Red blinked, and Angel looked baffled.

"Hunter?" Red asked again, and the boy who was standing before me bowed.

He has short red curls, bright blue eyes just like Red's... He wore a black tee shirt, low waisted Levi's and grey converse.

"Y-you came back! After all these years?" Red stammered, and tried to calm down.

"At last dear sister. We meet." he said.

Wait... SISTER?

"Someone mind telling us what's going on here?!" barked Angel, who was now a human.

So we sat on Red and Steams bed, and Hunter told us everything. About how he had been a disgraced child, and how Tundra had helped him escape. By the time he was done talking, I was leaning in his shoulder and holding his hand.

"But now I'm the Alpha, because I was Beta." He said, and I frowned.

"Does that mean I have to leave Cedar Woods?" I asked, and he chuckled.

"Not if you don't want to. The 3rd in command can take over. I never wanted to be Alpha anyway." he said, and did something totally unexpected.

He kissed me.

When I pulled away, Red and Angel were "Oooooo" ing and Steam and Stiles looked gagged.

That night Red and Steam slept on the huge couch, and Hunter in my room with me.

It was one of the best days of my life.


Hey guys, one more chapter up! Now I'm going to bed cuz it's like almost 11 o'clock. BAI! ~XOXO Sophie

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