My eyes fluttered open to see stars, millions of beautiful stars. A light snoring beside me caused me to glance to my side.
I'm still in my wolf form, so I shift out and stretch.
'Will?" I croak, and his eyes snap open to look at me. HIs wolf is a majestic grey one, and he shifts out of it, completely and utterly naked.
"Uh...here." he says, and tosses me a shirt and shorts, along with a pair of striped panties.
I turn around and put on the clothes. Will does the same, only with his own clothes.
I turned around, and Will turned around at the same time. I giggle, and he takes my hand.
"So. I guess this is the part where I tell you my real name." I said, and he nodded.
'It's Red. What about you?" He smiles.
"Steam. I get it from how fast my temper comes and goes." he said, and I hug him.
"You're my Steam, no matter how mad you get." I said, and we broke apart.
We walked back to Karah's house hand in hand, and everybody cheered when we walked through the door.
"Congrats Sophie! You did it!" Karah said, and I hugged her.
"Call me Red from now on. That's my wolf name anyway." I whispered, and she nodded.
"Good job Sophie." Makayla said, and I shook her hand.
"Please, you guys, call me Red. That's my wolf name." I said to everyone, and sat on the couch, Steam at my side.
"So, what now?" asked Stiles, and Karah laughed.
"We share our wolf names, silly!" she exclaimed, and took a seat on my lap.
"I'll start. I'm Angel, and Makayla is Midnight." I nodded, and Maka- Midnight, gave a small wave.
"I'm Red, as you know. Will is Steam." I said, and gueastured to him.
Angel moved out of the way, and Steam waved.
There was a sudden howling outside, and I realized it was a full moon.
"Guys?" Stiles said, who happened to be standing next to the window, drew back the curtain to look out.
"We have company."
HOLY CRAP. That took a super long time to write for you guys. My mom took my phone & laptop away from me, so I probably won't be updating as much. LUV U GUYS SO MUCH! ~XOXO Sophie

Red (Book 1)
أدب المراهقينParis, France Phoenix stood shivering in town square, waiting for Damion, her mate, in the rain. People flourished and bustled around as she searched the brunette. She glanced down at her watch, which read six o'clock. He was to be there by five. ...