Chapter 34- Sammy and Natalie

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Angel and Stiles ran inside faster then when you shake the bag of dog treats for a puppy. Bright blushes on their faces, they ran right past Red and I and into their bedroom. 

"Woah, woah! Slow down there you guys!" Red called, and I chuckled..

"I wonder what they're up to..." I said to myself.

"Probably alpha mate stuff." Steam said from behind Red as he kissed her hair.

"Hi Steam!" Red chirped. She kissed Steam back, and shuffled over to the coffee maker. I sat at the table.

"Morning..." he yawned back, and turned on his heels back to the kids' room.

"Yeah, morning at 2 o'clock in the afternoon!" Red said, and we laughed.

She sat down at the table next to me, and sipped at her coffee.

"What're we gonna do today?" I asked, and she shrugged.

"Cedar Woods is pretty small... Maybe some new pack members?" she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Perfect! I'll tell Angel and we can start right away!" I exclaimed, just as excited as her. She smiled, and I ran down the hall to Angel's room. I knocked, and Angel emerged wearing a sweater dress, combat boots and leggings.

"Angel! Red suggested that we get more pack members!"I said excitedly, and she smiled.

"Alright, if you can find enough people." she said, and walked out into the hallway. Stiles followed shortly behind, and I chuckled.

So later that night, Red and I came back home with two more girls, looking for a pack.

They're twin sisters, each with a set of bright blue eyes. Other than that, they were totally different.

Natalie is the older one, with short blonde hair and high cheekbones. She's almost as tall as Steam (who is almost 6' 3') and has a snake bite nose piercing. She wore a short leather jacket with a white tank top underneath, leather skinny jeans and lacey 4 inch heels.

Sammy, the younger one, was like her opposite.

She had chocolate brown hair in a side braid, and full rosey cheeks. She came up to my nose (a height of 4' 11'). She wore a white blouse, ripped jeans, and silver UGG's.

I let them have my room that night, since I was in no need of a queen size bed all to myself. I slept out on the couch, wondering where in the world Hunter might be, or what happened to Angel and Stiles.

I fell asleep with a little smile on my face as I thought, Hey, at least I'm not alone anymore!


Hey guys, sorry for super short chapter! I'm struggling really bad with school right now, so sorry I haven't really been updating as much. I still read your commenta and stuff though! Also, sometime next week, you'll be getting a NEW BOOK!!! Which sadly means "Red" is drawing to a close. Thanks for understanding and all the love + support! Love you my monstrosities!

~XOXO Sophie

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