Red fell aspleed again after her dream, and I clutched the tiny box in my pocket. She didn't seem to notice, but I was nervous as hell.
I know what you're thinking; and no, it's not an engagment ring. Its a promis ring. I want to marry her, but a wedding and kids is a little bit too much to take in for a 17 year old.
She stirred when I thought about her, and I smiled. Where were Angel, Midnight and Stiles?
I hope they're ok...
Then the doctor that had helped me heal when I was here walked in with a clipboard.
"Hi William, how's she doing?" he asked, and I nodded.
"Sleeping like a rock." I replied, and he laughed.
"Well, I just came to check up on her and change her IV bag." he said, and swapped the nearly empty IV bag with a full one.
Then he wrote something down on a clip board, and left.
I carefully got off of the bed, and lay Red's head down on the 18 million pillows she had.
She snored softly as I went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror.
Dark drown hair, light grey eyes, stubble that's barley there. I sighed, and took out the box.
Inside were 2 identical rings with gold bands and the infinity symbol in the middle. I smiled at how happy she'd be when I gave it to her.
She already had a necklace, which was silver colored (not real silver) and had a star on it. The name Hunter was engraved into it's backside.
Who's Hunter? I wondered, but shrugged it off and put the rings back in my pocket.
When I came out, Red was awake and fiddling with her necklace.
"Good morning little Red!" I said, and she blushed.
"Mornin' baby." she said, and I sat next to her.
I was gonna make my move.
I put an arm around her, and kissed her hair.
"Red, I have something for you."
"Really? You didn't have to get ME anything. It's not like i'm special or anything..."
I smiled at her. She's perfectly imperfect, my other half.
"Red. I want you to know that I love you, very much. No one else will ever be as special as you. I want you to have this." I said, and pulled the box from my pocket.
She looked stunned, and I chuckled.
"They're promise rings. I want to marry you soon beautiful, just not right now with-" I pointed to her growing-by-the-week stomach "those two on the way."
Tears filled her eyes, and I held open my arms for her. She gladly took them, and cried happy tears into my shoulder.
"Of course I'll marry you Steam, you're the only one for me." She said, and sniffled.
She pulled back, and I placed the smaller ring on her finger, and she did the same with the bigger one.
"Now we're one in the same." I whispered into her ear, and she smiled.
'Forever my little Red. Forever."
GUYS. ANOTHER BONUS CHAPPIE!!! :3 So some of you may know that I draw some scenes from Red, so I was drawing one last night of Red and her family. I had drawn rings on Steam & Red's fingers because I thought that I would marry them first (Ya know, only makes sense). BUT THENNNNNN I got a request from IRL Angel who said she wanted to be married first, so I was like "Sureeeeeeeeeeeeee... I'll be the first to have kids and the last to get married x3" So Angel and Stiles WILL be gettin' hitched soon, but surring the summmmmmmerrrrrrr... Yeah. And Steam's IRL B-day is coming up soon, so be sure to FRIGGIN FOLLOW HIEMMMMMMMM. Thanks guys! ~XOXO Sophie

Red (Book 1)
Novela JuvenilParis, France Phoenix stood shivering in town square, waiting for Damion, her mate, in the rain. People flourished and bustled around as she searched the brunette. She glanced down at her watch, which read six o'clock. He was to be there by five. ...