Chapter 17- Heat Week and Surprises

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The rest of the week dragged on, and my prediction was right; my heat started.

It was Friday night, and Angel and Stiles were out running, and Midnight was at the store. Steam and I had the house to ourselves.

We were sitting in the living room, me on my phone and Steam flipping channels on the 60 inch TV.

I glanced over to him, and he suddenly looked way more sexy then he did yesterday. (A/N: LUL!!! NO offence sweetie! <3 :P )

I set my phone down on the end table, and scooted over to him.

"Hey Steeeeeam, whatcha doin?" I purred, and he looked at me with a look that said oh-god-she's-on-her-heat.

"Flippin' channels, what you doin'?" he said, and winked at me.

"You wanna, oh I don't know, have a little fun?" I asked, and he shut off the TV.

I grabbed his hand, and led him to our bedroom. Then I shut the door, and we began our fun.

-Time skip: tomorrow morning-

I yawned as I felt movement beside me, and I looked over to see Steam. Naked.

I gasped when I realized I was too. Steam stirred in his sleep.

I threw off the covers and raced to the walk in closet. I put on a tank top and black leggings, slipped on my combat boots, and ran to the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and realized my eyes were flashing between sea green and and pure black.

My wolf was exited, and wanted to come out. So i slipped out of my clothes and ran out into the woods.

I shifted, and ran around in circles.

Oh my god, why the fuck did I do that?!

What If I end up pregnant?!

I stopped running around at that thought. What if I was pregnant? At 17 too!

I shifted back out into my human form and put on the same outfit i had taken off. I started Steam's truck, and drove to the store to get a pregnancy test.

I came back, and Steam was awake.

"There you are! I've been looking for you!" he said, and hugged me.

At least he was fully clothed, becuase out came Angel, Stiles and Midnight.

"Um, if you'll all excuse me..." I stammered, but I was too scared to follow suit.

So i waited a few weeks when I was brave enough to see if my predictions were true. And guess what? They were.

I was going to be a 17 year old mom.


HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS! THE SURPRISE! The names have been picked out, so don't leave comment's leaving suggesting names. THANK YOU WILL, MAKAYLA AND ROY FOR HELPING ME PICK OUT THE NAMES! ~XOXO Sophie

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