Stiles and I crept back to our room, leaving Red and Steam in the living room and Midnight to her room.
I flopped down on the big queen sized bed, and Stiles flopped down next to me.
"Tell me Angel, what do you want for christmas?" he asked, and I sighed.
"I have no idea..." I said, and rolled over so I was laying on him.
"Woah there, someone's feeling HOT." he teased, putting emphesis on the hot.
If you couldnt guess already, I'm getting friendly with my mate, and Stiles has had his taste of the Angel Machine already so I was tuckered out. (A/N: xD Lul, My friend who play's Angel is gonna kill me when she reads this :3)
"Can we go to bed now?" I whined, and he laughedd.
"Sure thing my sweet litle Angel." he replied, and we crawl under the covers.
I snuggle up to Stiles, and fall asleep that way.
-Time skip to Morning-
Birds chirped outside and I could hear people laughing and talking when I woke up.
The bed felt cold next to me, and I knew Stiles was out with Midnight, Steam and Red.
I stretched and got out of bed. I went into the closet and picked out a big and floppy black sweater, grey and blue striped leggings, and put on some fuzzy kitty socks.
I walked lazily down the hallway, and strolled casually into the kitchen.
Midnight had made coffee, and the 4 were standing around the kitchen island, mugs in hand.
"Mornin' sleepy head!" Red chirped, and I hugged her.
"Mornin' little Red riding wolf." I replied, and she giggled.
"Hey babe." Stiles said, and put an arm around my waist.
Steam slid a mug down, and I filled it with coffeee.
"So, how are you two feeling?" Red asked me with a wink.
"Oh, shut up. It's not like your not gonna ever have it." I said, and smacked her arm playfully.
We laughed, and went out to the living room.
Red was wearing a pastel rainbow ombre tee shirt, white shorts with red and white striped knee socks. She had on her bunny slippers.
Stiles, being the relativley lazy person he is, was still wearing his boxeres but had thrown on a tee shirt.
Steam was wearing his signature red sweatshirt, with grey jeans and black socks.
Midnight was wearing her black sweater, blue leggings and light brown flip flop slippers.
I sat on the couch, and Stiles cuddled with me. Red and Steam were curled up on the loveseat (A/N: LUL no pun intended :3) and Midnight sat cross legged on the floor with her laptop open, on facebook.
We stayed like that for at least an hour, with the ocasional person getting up to refill their coffee mug.
I don't rememer what happened after that, because I fell asleep on Stiles shoulder a little after he started stroking my hair like I was a cat.
That's the thing about Stiles; he gets me so well.
Sup guysssss! Only one more chappie to go until THE SURPRISE! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN! Lul, I'm having Will help me with the surprise, becuase he knows what it issssssss ;3 Luv ya! ~XOXO Sophie

Red (Book 1)
أدب المراهقينParis, France Phoenix stood shivering in town square, waiting for Damion, her mate, in the rain. People flourished and bustled around as she searched the brunette. She glanced down at her watch, which read six o'clock. He was to be there by five. ...