I wake up, and my head is throbbing. I try and move my arms, but they're chained to a wall.
A bright light blinds me as I heard soft laughing.
"Well well, welcome to Arctic Blast Red." a voice that's all too familiar says.
"Tundra..." I growl, and he laughs as another figure steps out from behind him.
"Hello little sister, miss me?" a voice that can only be Hunter's says.
"HUNTER?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING I THOUGH THAT YOU-" he clamps his hand over my mouth, and I scream into it.
"Shush now, we wouldn't want to wake Kyle and Amanda, now would we?" he says, and laughs maniaclly.
"Hunter, that's enough. Leave me to deal with this... monstosity." Tundra says, and Hunter leaves the room. I look around, and see that I'm in some sort of old warehouse.
A meat-locker? Why am I here?
"Now now, where were we before that scamp interupted me?" Tundra says, and strokes my cheek.
"Let's have a little fun, shall we?" Tundra whispers, and I cringe. (A/N: NO, NO RAPING. NOT GETTING RAPED.)
Tundra pulls a knife from his belt, and giggles.
He's not the same! Oh god, guys where the hell are you?!
He brings the knife to my lips, and leans in really close.
"I'm gonna make your life a living hell, just like that Alpha of your's did to me!" he screams, and drags the knife across my cheek, creating a large and heavily bleeding gash.
I wince, and hear a little comotion in the other room.
"MOTHER FUCKER, I SWEAR TO GOD WHEN I FIND HER..." and there's a loud crash.
"Go suck a dick!" Hunter yells, and tears start to stream down my face.
(A/N: Please Note: This part is kinda revolved around Sword Art Online, that episode where Kirito has to watch Asuna get like mini-raped by that creepy CEO dude. NO, STILL NOT GETTING RAPED. Just using the passion and all those other feelings that Kirito felt when Kayaba talked to him and got all inspirational and shit. And uh, Steam made Angel and them stay home and take care of damage cuz he's just that brave of a guy <3. ANYWAY...)
"S-Steam!" I call weakly as Tundra slashes the knife up and down my arms and legs.
"DIE BITCH!" he screams, and I pass out.
~Steam~ (WOO WOO 2 POV!)
My eyes go wide as I hear Tundra scream
"DIE BITCH!" a loud splashing sound. (a.k.a. blood)
"TUNDRA!" I roar, and try and push the bookcase off of me. Hunter runs into the room that Tundra's in, and he gasps.
"Red!" he says, and start's crying. I get up the strength and push the bookcase off of me. I scramble to run into the other room, where Tundra is licking his blood-stained fingers, and Hunter is leaned over a body.
"Red?" I say, and run to Hunter. I fall to my knee's as Red's breathing slows.
"Steam. Y-you came to save me." she croaks, and I smile as tears flow down my face and onto hers."
"Of course I did, why wouldn't I? You're my perfect other half..." I trail off as she closes her eyes.
"Hunter! Go get Kyle and Mandi!" I bark at him, and he steps into the other room where tiny cries can be heard.
"Steam, I-I need you to do something for me." Red whispers, and I hold a finger to her lips.
"Shhh, don't talk. You'll be okay, you're not gonna die!" I say, and cry harder.
"Take care... of them... for me." she says, and her body goes limp in my arms.
I gasp, and feel her pulse.
My eyes grow to the size of saucers, and I lay Red's lifeless body on the ground and stand up.
Tundra turns to face me, and I growl at him, my eyes flashing from hazel to black.
"Tundra... You... Killed her." I say, and shift into my wolf.
"I did, didn't I? What a pitty. You're a mateless wolf now, a coward!" he spat at me, and I lunged at him, catching his arm in my teeth. He screams, but still has a smile on his face.
I whip him back and forth like a rag doll, and Hunter runs past us with Kyle and Mandi in his arms.
"I've got them! Take care of Tundra, avenge Red!" he shouts, and then is gone.
I nod, and successfully bite Tundra's arm off.
"You fool! Fight me like a man, not the true pussy you are!" Tundra yells, and I flare my nose. (You know what I mean.)
I charge at him, and slam him into a wall.
I shift out of my wolf, and pund him senseless against it.
"You idiot! You reatarded bastard! YOU MURDERER!" I screech, and get him into a headlock.
"Y-You'll never get h-her back, you... you... you stupid bitch!" Tundra says, and falls lifelessly to the ground.
I shift back into my wolf, and bitehis stomach open, gnawing through to his heart. I rip it out, and crush it in my paw.
I pant, and stand back.
She's gone. She's really gone.
I sniff as more tears begin to fall.
"Tundra... YOU KILLED MY ONLY LOVE!" I scream, and run to Red's body.
"You can't be gone. You just can't!" I whisper, and Angel burst's through the door.
"Steam! Why did you-" Angel trails off as she see's Red's body. She covers her mouth, and tears form at the corner of her eyes.
"R-Red? Red!" she says, and runs to the other side of Red's body.
"Is s-she..." she trails off as she colapses onto Red's chest, sobbing.
I put my head down, and bring my knee's up to my chest.
"Tundra. And Hunter." I say softly, and Angel doesn't move.
"Tundra. He's dead right." Angel says, no emotion in her voice what so ever.
I nod, and Hunter comes running in the room with Midnight and Stiles.
"Angel! Are you alright?!" Stiles says, and run's to her side. Then he see's Red.
"What... happened." he says, and I explain what happened.
"I;m so sorry Steam. There's nothing we could do." he says softly, and comfort's Angel. Midnight seem's to be in a daze, not moving and staring into space.
"It's my fault. If I would've let you guys come with me, she would still be here right now." I say quietly.
Tears drip down my face and onto Red's, and I lean into her face.
"Rest in peace little Red. Don't forget about me." I say, and kiss her forehead and close her eyes.
And let me say, I would never forgive myself for what happened. It was the saddest day of my entire life.
Okay, so I'm literally on the verge of tears finishing writing this. WHY DID I DECIDE TO DO THIS TO MYSELF?! WHY SOPHIE WHY... *curls into a ball and listens to The Fray* ~XOXO Sophie

Red (Book 1)
Teen FictionParis, France Phoenix stood shivering in town square, waiting for Damion, her mate, in the rain. People flourished and bustled around as she searched the brunette. She glanced down at her watch, which read six o'clock. He was to be there by five. ...