Satisfied (Sonia x Gundam x Reader)

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(Whoever can find out what song I based this off get to have a (winner) x character. They get their own fanfic. ) also name where the song is from)

(You are a female)(and your last name is Nevermind so) (italics mean a bunch of people talking)

"Now the maid of honor (y/n) Nevermind!"

"I'd like to give a toast to the groom!" A fake smile plastered on my face. "To the groom!"  "And to the bride!" I looked at my sister, Sonia, as she held the man she had married. "To the bride!!"  They all raised their glass. "From your sister, who will always be by your side!" Sonia smiled softly "and to your Union, and the hope that you provide." I turned "and may you always be satisfied" 

As I sat down I started to remember how I meet the groom in the first place.


I looked around the dance hall, soldiers trying to win praise. We are the prize of this ball, by we I mean me and my two sisters. Sonia and Peggy (<--hint) the lighting in this place was like a dream, the candlelights were wonderfully put to the light wasn't to bright nor too dim. Sonia whispered to me as she pointed her hand "This ones mine" once I realized who she was pointing at I stood and started walking over, planning to help.

Once  I approaching the man he turned around "Hello there miss." I felt like I jumped of a cliff, his eyes showed intelligence and I don't know really I just stopped. Like I lost my breath, "miss?"  I snapped back to reality,"w-why hello there, my names (y/n) Nevermind" he smiled, "Gundam Tanaka".

"You aren't  the type of women to be satisfied with much"'  he smirks, "I don't know what you mean, you forget yourself." He turn to look away, off to the distance, "You're like me, I'm never satisfied" I tilted my head a bit. "Is that so?" He turns back to me. "I've never been satisfied."

I decided to start with some small talk,"where's you family from" I smiled. He looked down, clutching his fist "unimportant, there's a million I haven't done, just you wait" 

I was quite surprised by his answer. I thought I found someone who finally had the same level of intelligence as me, and I am quite smart, and this is how he answers! Is there some sort of catch to this? Being a women and meeting a intelligent guy seems too easy in my book. But our conversation only lasted two or three minutes with us agreeing to a lot of thing. If I do say three minutes is a bit short, and he is quite the flirt I might as well give it a chance. I thought back of what he answered me before. It was such a strange statement.

I can't deny he is quite handsome and guys something about him drives me wild. I want to take him away from this place, I turn and see my sisters face.'HELPLESS' was what her expression told me 'she really liked this guy, doesn't she' I thought. Then I realize why I can't be with this man, three reasons.

I grabbed his hand and I started to lead him to Sonia. "Where are you taking me?" He smiled, "I'm about to change your life sir" I looked back at him for a moment, "By all means, lead the way" . Reason one, I'm a girl with the fate of having to marry someone who is rich. My father has no sons so I'm the one who need to climb in society. I'm the oldest, the wittiest, the jewel of this place. But this guy is penniless, doesn't I don't like him any less.

"Sonia Nevermind, it's a pleasure to meet you" Sonia smiled. "Nevermind?" He look at me for a moment, " My sister" I smiled back. Number 2, He's after me cause I'm a Nevermind, a rich family he wishes to get money out of. I am really trying to be naive about liking him. Maybe my naive attitude is what lead me to introduce him and Sonia. 

"Thank you for all your service" Sonia bowed, "if it takes a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it" he grabs her hand and kissed it. "I-I'll leave you to it" I turned and walked off. Number 3, I know my sister like I know my own mind, I can bet you will never find anyone who is as trusting or as kind. I know if I tell her that I loved him, she'd silently resign, he'd be mine. She would say that she's fine, but she would be lying.

*timeskip & flashback end*

(The night after the wedding)

At night all I can think about are his eyes, full of intelligence. I can never get them out of my mind. I just now lay in bed fantasizing about him. Romanticize what might of been if I didn't judge him so quickly. Well at least my dear Sonia is his wife.... At least I keep his eyes in my life.

He was right.... Wasn't he....


(HERE ANOTHER PART! So hope you like it, and good luck to the winner of the race of who can name the ref.  Vote and request gladly accepted!~VG

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