Easter Egg Hunt! (EASTER SPECIAL)

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"Yasuhiro!" You nudged him till he woke "help me put the eggs before the kids wake up!" Your whisper yelling apparently wasnt getting to him. You knew he was pretending, yet hes might good at it. As for easter it was also April fools, you smiled evilly. You took a deep breath and looked down as if to hide emotion "Yasuhiro... I'm pregnant." And in mere moments he was up.

"WAIT ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!" Yasuhiro looked at ypu in shock. You on the other hand were still ppaying the act. "(Y/n) is it really true??"



"What comes after march?"


"Whats today." He had a realization but still played along.

"April 1st"

"What is celedrated on April 1st of every year?" The smile you were hiding under your face was to ear to ear. You felt bad but it was funny.

"April... Fools..."

"HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!!!" you tackled Yasuhiro to the bed and were laughing like a maniac.

"Hey! You know that isnt funny!!!" He started squirming under you. You pecked his cheek.

"Im sorry but it was funny" you hugged him tight but soon stood up.  "Now help me do the eggs for the kids!" Yasuhiro smiled.

"You know its so hard to stay mad at you..." The two of you got up and starting scattering eggs full of money and treats all though out the house.

*some time later*

"Mommy! Look how many ive found!" Your 6 yearold daughter (d/n) cam jumping with he basket of atleast 7 eggs.

"Oh wow honey! Thats alot of eggs!! Good job (d/n)" you smiled at her' "now how about you go show that to papa inside the house?"  She squeeled with excitement as she skipped into the house. Not soon after (s/n) came up to you and showed his eggs.

"Mommy! Look at how many I've found!" He looked into his basket and counted," 1. 2. 3. 4. 5!" You looked back up at you with the widest smile youve ever seen.

"Good job (s

)!" You grabbed your sons hand,"how aboit we go inside and tell daddy!" (S/n) nodded his head rapidly. The two if you walked inside. The smell of freahly cooked meals filled your noes, it smelt delisious! As Yasuhiro got into your sights, your son released your hand and ran over to his father.

"Daddy! Daddy! Look at how many eggs I got!!" He lifted the basket to his father with his small arms. It warmed your heart to see Yasuhiro smile lile a father to his son.

"Good job! Now go set your basket on the living room table, food almost ready!" As your son skipped away, you walked behind Yasuhiro.

"The food smells wonderful hun," you embraced him.

"im glad you think so!" As he did he moved what he was cooking to the side and turned around. "I'm surprised I even did this well!" The two of you laughed.

"Oh Come on! Don't say that hun!" You wiped the tears from your laughing! "I love your cooking! Its usually ne we should be scared about." He pulled you into a loving kiss. Beside you you heard your daughter giggle. Not soon after, your son come in.

"Eww!" You too broke the kiss and looked at them. (D/n) stood there dearingly, a wide smile plastered on her face. On the other hand, her brother had his eyes covered and his tounge stuck out. You and Yasuhiro could only laugh at how different her children were.

"Okay... Now let get ready the table!" The children went to the table prepared to place down what their mother gives them. Before you leave the kitchen, you kissed his cheek. "I love you Yasu~ I have a present waiting for you tonight~" you whispered this of course. Yasuhiro smirked as you left the room.

"Damn she is really something," he whispered unger his breath as he finished up the meal.

HAHAHAHA ITS GOOD TO BE BACK M8S!!! YEAH!!! okay sonlate easter special... I know but thats fine anyways I have a kaito x reader then imma contine miss Mafioso... So yeah

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