Lost without you (Nagito x reader)

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Let me just say, there will be small spoilers(More like huge spoilers) to chapter 5 of the game here. Yeah anyway, The OOC behavior of Nagito is supposed to show how I believe he's a hurting small boy inside so don't worry about it! Without further distractions, enjoy the story of the Psychopathic marshmallow!

"Nagito is a threat" "we need to contain him somehow" they all kept discussing to capture the one I love. I can say nothing if I do they'll do that to me too. "(Y/n), come here." Hajime glanced at me, I slowly walk to the group. "(Y/n) we need you to go bait Nagito to the hotel lobby" I looked at him I know tears are dripping down my face. "It's for our safety, including him" I nod silently.


After I got ahold of myself, We start the plan. I walk over to Nagito's cabin, something doesn't feel right if you ask me. everyone was busy preparing I couldn't say anything of that feeling. I knocked on his door, he opened rather quickly. "Hey (y/N)! What brings you to my lousy cabin today?"

"uhh N-Nagi, Can you follow me, please?" He had a confused look on his face but agreed to follow. I didn't want to do this but if it's for his safety as well then I need to do it! "So, Where are you taking me (y/n)?" we arrived at the lobby, "here," I looked back at him, "I thought maybe we should hang out a bit!" I can even tell by my own voice I was nervous!

"Is there something wrong (y/n)?" he narrowed his eyes and lifted my chin. "N-no! nothing at all! hehe," he kissed my cheek and let go. "ok then! Let's go inside!" he smiled that mixed smile like he usually does. As we walk in, I stop in the middle and turn to him. Him being right behind me.

"(y/n) what do you want to do" His innocent smile pierced through my heart, "Maybe play some games!" How can I live with myself if I do this? No, this is for his safety! "Nagi, I'm sorry... so so sorry." he looked concerned "sorry about wha-" I kissed his cheek and turned away, I just stood there.

"restrain him!" Hajime yelled! As they restrained him, I hear a faint beep, wait a minute.

(Third person)

Nagito fidgets the remote into his hand "you all made a huge mistake" he whispered, (y/n) come yelling all the sudden"GUYS THERES A BO-" *BOOM* Everyone went flying, the lobby was blown into pieces.

And everyone's vision cleared up, there stood Nagito. His luck wins again Since Ibuki was dead no one had such precise hearing as her. It shocked him was that (y/n) heard the beeps, but not in time. His manic laugh caught everyone off guard, especially (y/n). She couldn't believe that this was the guy she fell for, she was broken.

Behind the manic laughs of Nagito's, she sobbed. Her sobs grew louder and louder, she realized that he was a 'Threat'. With a flash of the memories of this island of the two, Laughing, Smiling, Him cuddling her on their sleepless nights and the comfort he provided. She really thought that he was the one. "Why...." she brought herself back to reality, "Why did you do this Nagi? WHY!?" She tried to stand as tears to rush down her cheeks. Nagito looks over to her, suddenly realizing what he'd let her see.

"(Y-Y/n).. I-I" He looked at her, then around the whole area that was in ruins. The others laying on the ground, some still unconscious. By the time he looked back She started to run "(Y-Y/n) Wait!!"

(Nagito's POV)

Oh god, what have I done... I looked back at her, bursting out of the ruins. "(y-Y/n) Wait!" I ran after her, well at least I tried before someone stopped me.

"Not on my watch." Hajime firmly grabbed my arms and pulled me down, I can still see her. She stopped running.

"Hajime! GET OFF ME!" I yelled, "I NEED TO SEE HER!" I try with all my energy to wiggle out of his grasp but to no avail. "(Y/N) PLEASE DONT GO!" As I finish what I said, she turned and ran. Hajime still held on, "I SAID GET OFF ME!" I kicked him off me, him landing pretty hard. But I didn't care, only her, All I care about is her!

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