Battle Between Two {WINNER REQUEST} (SoudaxReaderxHajime)

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SO! OmbreSunset was the person who got the ref In the Gundam chapter so they got a chapter! GO CHECK THEM! They don't have much but THEY LIKE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA SO THATS A GOOD ENOUGH REASON FOR ANYTHING!(If you guys don't realize by now, I LOVE Phantom of the Opera) (The phantom just needs a hug) ANYWAY! There is an OC but they won't be a huge part, they are you BFF that's all! OKAY! Now ENJOY!!

(Y/n) POV

I walk into the room and what do I see? My two best friends fighting, Again. "What are you two dorks fighting about now!?" I yell at them, I find it funny how they instantly stop and the constant apologies from Souda and the embarrassed cry from Haji. I found both of them really cute, to be honest, they are my best friends but I like both of them. I don't know who I like better.

Either way, there is no way in a million years that either one of them would like me. There are so many other pretty girls who deserve such Handsome men like these two. Did I really just think that? Ugh, whatever, it's a girl thing I guess, right? Anyway, yeah, I have crushes on some of my best friends.

"(Y/n) are you alright? You seem pretty out of it." Souda said with concern, and let me add, surprisingly close to my face.

"UHH YEAH IM FINE!!" I can imagine I was a bloody tomato by how I feel right now. "I'm perfectly fine, thank you very much" pretty sure they are concerned as all f***.

"Are you sure you aren't sick (y/n)?" Hajime placed his hand under my chin and pulled me to face him, "you look very red, here let me check your forehead." Haji was always such a nice guy, I noticed a smirk on his face as he placed his hand on my forehead. I don't know why but Souda glared daggers, it was quite terrifying. "No, you seem to be fine." He took his hand off and smiled innocently, "how about I fetch you a glass of water?"

"Yeah, sure thanks, Haji." I could help but be bashful, his smile is as bright as the sun. Then his kind gestures add onto that as well.

"As you wish M'lady" he got on one knee, bowing like a butler would. 'Not helping jerk' I'm a tomato again.

"Not if I get it first Hajime!" Souda smirked, leaving me clueless. He ran off.

"NOT ON MY WATCH!!" Hajime yelled as he ran after him, he's quite fast. I couldn't help but laugh at the two boys. They always make me smile, I love them both. I think back to when Souda was in front of my face. 'Did I ever really notice how attractive Souda is.' Realizing what I was just thinking, WHAT AM I THINKING!! Shaking the thoughts away! Shaking the sin off meeeee!!!

"M'lady (y/n), I have brought your water." I look yup to see Souda on one knee holding the water bottle. Hajime followed behind I guess, he must have run from there and back.

"I-I'm sorry M'lady, I have lost." Hajime did the same stance but head hanging down.

(3rd person)

(Y/n) started to laugh, "Oh my god! You guys are too cute sometimes!" She continued laughing, that was until she realized what she had said. "I-I DIDNT MEAN THAT! I-I meant cool!"

The two boys just were there, comprehending what she just said. "Did she just call us cute?" They said in unison, a tint of red covers their faces.

"Forget whatever I just said!! Got it?!" She glared evilly to the two. "I'm tired, I'll be heading home now." She turned to walk off.

"Would like me to walk home with you (y/n)!?" They both said in unison again. Both ready to kill each other.

"No, I'm fine." She left the boys flustered by her earlier statement, which leads to an argument.

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