Scenarios! Halloween!

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So it's close to that time of year again! The time of the spoopy skeletons and all the free candy for the kiddos and teens. But now we gonna see how you spent your Halloween with you dangan bae:3

You quickly scattered around getting the pieces for your costume. You were gonna surprise your boyfriend with the costume you choose for this time of year. You were hoping he would like it. "KIM!! HELP ME WITH THIS COSTUME!!"

You heard a groan from your sister, "why me?!"

"Because you're the only one here with me!! " She groaned again as she went into your room.

"Whoa... (Y/n) Are you surprising him?" you nodded rapidly, a smirk glued to your face. " Damn sis... You outdid yourself this year... He's gonna freak!"

"I know."

*sometime later*

You looked at your watch, "he should be here any minute now.." You stumbled across the room, doubting your own choices. Questions went through your mind at 1 million miles a minute. Is he even into this sort of thing?

"Sis calm down he'll love it!"

"I hope so!" You paced back and forth, stressing yourself more. "What if he thinks I'm some whore or something if he thinks it's too revealing... What if he doesn't like it in general!!" You breathed heavily as the doorbell finally rang.

"Are you gonna answer it?" Your sister walked off as it rang again. You pondered for mere moments.

"Coming!!" You opened the door to see your boyfriend with a sweet smile in what seemed like a Dracula costume. His eyes widen. You start to get nervous and you twirl a bit. "Do you like my costume?"

"I u-uh" his face was crimson red, you could see it through his face paint. "You look stunning!" He pulled you into a kiss. A small bit of lust filled his eyes, "so stunning, I think I have to keep this for myself." He whispered in your ear, instantly boiling your face red.

Let's just say you told your sister to go to her friends for the night... She understood why...



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"Haji!! Come on!!! I wanna go trick or treating!!"
"Y/n, we are too old for that stuff!!"

She grabbed his shoulders, " you are never. Too. Old. TO. TRICK. OR. TREEEEEEAT!!" Hajime sighed, shaking his head at your childish behavior

"Okay, okay!! Fine, we'll go but I'm not dressing up!" She gave to her deadliest weapon, puppy eyes. It was his weakness, he could never say no to those eyes. "Fine....." he went to go put the costume he refused not long before.



You walked to the street with Nagito holding your hand. You were dressed like a bunny and he was a fox, a snow fox to be specific. You too went for any possibility for some treats or a haunted house. At the haunted house, he'd always hold you close and remind you that he has you. All of that night was perfect.

That was until you too took a break and some dude started throwing pickup lines. It didn't bother him too much, knowing that his girlfriend was so stunning any man would want to flirt with her. It came to the point where this guy was making you uncomfortable and Nagito wasn't gonna tolerate that. "Hey, can you stop harassing her?! She's getting uncomfortable!" He glared the guy down.

"And who the fuck are you to tell me to do?" The guy smirked and put his hand on your waist. This instantly pissed Nagito off.

"First of all. I'm her boyfriend." Nagito grabbed the guy buy his neck, "and if you touch her again I'll make this your last Halloween!" He smiled evilly. The guy was so frightened he ran straight to the next street over.

" Thanks, Nagi but don't you think you were a bit too harsh?" You hugged him as he shook his head.

"No, he deserves it. No one but me gets to touch you like that!" He smiled.


"Shuichi!! Hurry up!" You jumped, you were so excited to see your boyfriend in the costume you got him! You were Wendy while He was Peter Pan. Shuichi was hesitant at first but it worked out in the end!

"Okay!" He peeked out the door, "Do I really have to wear this?"



"SO WE CAN BE A PAIR!!!"  You pouted, "I'm Wendy while you're Peter Pan! It's a perfect couple costume!" Heat rose to Shuichi's face. Very thing you did that was like this was so cute to him. "Now come one I wanna see you in it Shuichi!"

"Fine," he walked out with the full costume on. Black jeans, the green top and the hat. As soon as he walked out, you though he looked to adorable. "What do you think?" Shuichi said nervously.m

"You. Look. Amazing!" You ran up to him and hugged him tight. "You look really cute in that costume Shuichi.." She kissed his cheek making his slightly red face even redder. Picked her up bridal style.

"If there anyone in here that looks cute, that's you (y/n)."  He kissed her passionately. As soon as the kiss broke 1 question was asked.

"Can we go get candy now?" Shuichi nodded his head, grabs the bags, then left.


You and Rantaro were satisfied to giving candy and scaring the kids. The only thing other than that was that you decked Rantaro's house with Halloween stuff. Now for the day after, what cha gonna do... I don't know.

K1-B0 (Keebo)
Keebo had no idea what to do for the event and you were to tired to do much. So you both just had a horror movie marathon. He held you close to him as you both shivered in fear. (I'm really rushing this)

(Motherfucking) Kokichi
You decided it would be a good idea around Kokichi to wear a she-devil costume. Which was if you wanted constant harassment from you boyfriend. Let's put this short... He kept you to him self.


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