Fire Flies (Souda x reader)

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Another trial was over, another person gone. I don't usually get any sleep on these nights. They all walked back to their cottages. as we head to the island gate, I split apart from the others. Nobody seemed to care. "(y/n)," I turned to him, Kazuichi Souda "Where are you going?" he looked at me concerned, this is the first time he noticed I guess.

"not anywhere in particular, why?" I smiled to him. he looked "Can I go with you?" I couldn't help but giggle and nodded. A small smile was drawn on his face as we started to walk, "where are we going" I looked at him smiling "Just follow me, I do this all the time when I can't sleep." I grabbed his hand and continued.

I hate to admit it, but his hands are so soft. Funny I have a crush on this guy. I know its false hope, he likes Sonia... would it be bad to tell him, would it ruin our friendship? I don't know, I just don't know. Once we got to the beach, I saw the sight I wanted to show Souda. he looked amazed, Fire Flies filled the night sky.

"This is here every night?" still in awe, I nodded "mostly" we just stood there watching as these bugs light the dark sky. Hand in hand, we just could help but stare. They just surrounded us, tickling both of us. "Beautiful, isn't it?" 

(Souda's POV )

I looked at her, her hair gently flowing in the night breeze. Her (e/c) eyes that light up with emotions. I never knew how to explain her, Sonia might be a princess but she's nothing compared to her. I couldn't but smile at her, she's perfect. "is something wrong Souda?" She tilted her head.

"w-what! no! Nothing at all!" I looked away, feeling the heat rise to my face. She began to laugh, I couldn't stop smiling. Her laugh is music to my ears, I can't even explain! I know I love her, she thinks I like Sonia. I need to tell her, who knows what could happen. "(y/n)" she looked at me, "Can I tell you something?"

( (Y/n) POV )

"(y/n)?" I looked at him, "Can I tell you something?" I'm confused, he sounds so nervous.. "sure..." He turned completely to face me, his face was red. "(y-y/n), I really like you, scratch that, I love you (y/n). I have since a small while of being here" I... I'm speechless, I can't even think. 

"Souda, what about..." he cut me off, "Sonia, right? I don't really like her like that. She could never compare you" he grabbed my hand, rubbing it gently. Fire Flies flew around us, making the moment so much more magical. "S-Souda, I don't know what to say."  He looked down, clutching his fist "If you don;t feel the same that's fine. I just.." I put a finger over his lips, "I loved you since I first talked to you." 

"r-really?" he looked at me tears at the edge of his eyes, "yes really" All the sudden he pulls me by my waist to him and into a kiss. It felt like a fairy tale, the fireflies all around us. I kissed back, time just seem to stop, it felt amazing. As soon at he released, he embraced me. "I love you (y/n)" feeling him speak on to my neck. "I love you too Souda." 



We just lied down on the beach, looking at the sky together. I looked at the time, It was close to dawn. I glanced at (y/n), she's sleeping soundly. I sighed as I lifted her up bridal style. "Now let's get you to an actual bed, shall we?" I whispered and kissed her forehead. With that, I went back to our cottages. Softly I opened her door and placed her on her bed, "Goodnight, my love. Sweet dreams." I kissed her once more then left.

THERE WE HAVE IT! ANOTHER STORY!!! WOOT!! Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this.... it is 1 am when I wrote this. and the to Grammarly I didn't have to do much proofreading YAY! ANYWAYS IM TIRED SO YEAH SEE YA!!! ~VG (I LOVE GRAMMARLY OML)

(Also if you're interested the word count for the story is 661 so yeah! Night)(GRAMMARLY IS GR8)

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