Chapter Eleven| Getting Help

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I wake up but I don't open my eyes quite yet, quite frankly I was too scared to. Everything on my body was completely numb, I couldn't feel a thing. Not my lips, my arms or legs, I was completely numb. And I was terrified too because ever since my eyes have been swollen shut all I could see was him hovering over me. Looking down at me, never stopping his assault to catch his breath. Never slowing down. Just repeatedly hitting me with all his might. I still remember ripping my ring off and throwing it at him. That's when his hands meet my throat and the rest is a little blurry. I barley remembered how to get to Kris' apartment but I'm thankful I did.

I lay in bed not fully conscious but awake. I hear three voices and I try to pick them out. One was my mom, the other my dad, and I think the third one was still Kris. What a beautiful voice.

"So she works you out pretty good huh" my dad asks and Kris laughs.

"Half of it is me trying to impress her. The other half is knowing that what she is giving me is the difference between me and the next guy on the field. But there is plenty of motivation to go around. I need all of it to get through those workouts" he laughs.

"So you guys are just friends" my mom asks. I can just see her face in my head right now. If only I could let out a groan...

"Yeah. I get that she's in a difficult situation. And even with Spencer in jail she's still going to feel hurt and it will for a while. I get that. I'm going to give her as much time as she needs to get better, back to the way she used to be. I'll wait forever if I need to. I know she knows I like her and she likes me so I was just going to see where that leads us. And when she feels like she's ready to be in a relationship again I hope it's me she chooses" Kris admits.

"I really appreciate that. Our baby girl is going to need a lot of help and I'm happy it's someone as genuine as you that is helping. I just can't believe that the Kris Bryant is taking care of her" my dad says. Typical dad.

"I'm nothing without her. She doesn't realize it yet but she means a lot to me. So much to me. Every time I thought she was hurt I would get this feeling in my stomach. A indescribable feeling that something was wrong and every time it was related back to her. Now I won't have to worry about it because I know she's going to be okay because it's me who will be watching over her" he says.

"I'm really feeling more than a friendship here" my dad admits. I really hate that I can't yell at my dad right now.

"Yeah Jeremy, me too" Kris replies. Okay... I didn't see that one coming.

Eventually I fully wake up and can finally open my eyes. Well as much as they allow me. I see my mom shoot up and move to me.

"Oh sweetie. I'm so sorry" she says bending down by my bed.

"It's okay momma. I'll be okay" I assure her. She runs her fingers through my hair and I remember the good old times.

"Hey baby girl" my dad says and I smile the best I can. Man how I've missed him.

"Hi daddy" I reply. Kris comes into view and fiddled with his thumbs. I haven't seen him this nervous since the first day I met him.

"Hey Kris" I say and he looks down at me with those beautiful eyes. A smile finds its way onto my face and it makes my heart happy to see that.

"Hey" he says with a wave causing me to laugh. It hurt but it was worth it.

"How are you feeling? Do you need anything" he asks.

"I'm on so many drugs I barley feel like I'm awake right now. But I could use some water" I admit.

"I'll go get you some" he smiles before walking out. My parents look to me with a big smile on their face and they're so lucky I can't roll my eyes.

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