Chapter Ten| Broken

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Usually I sleep in until at least nine when we have day games. Alex and I usually work out after the game since it starts at like 2 or 3 so there's no need for me to be up this early. But I woke up with one of those gut wrenching terrible feelings again and I couldn't shake this one. I've been getting them a lot since I left Alex last but I couldn't fall back asleep because my stomach was so messed up. I was going to text or call her to make sure she's okay but I know that if her fiancé saw her phone before she did, and I know he will, she'll get the worst of that and I couldn't live with myself knowing I did that to her just because my stomach hurt.

I continued to lay there for a little, as time passes this feeling gets worse and worse. At 6:47 am I'm jolted up in bed because someone is banging on my door. There's no way a fan found me, at least I hope not. I wake up a little more then throw on some clothes before heading to the door. I look out the peep hole but don't see anyone. The knocking has faded but it's still there even though I don't see anyone. Eventually I open the door and a woman who looked just like Alexandria falls from against the door to the inside of my apartment. I let out a blood curdling yell as she laid limp on my floor. Blood pours out of her mouth as she just laid there struggling to breathe. I pick her up in my arms and her scared eyes start to close. After a closer look I see it is her, it looked like the was ran over by a semi.

"Alex! Alex baby I need you to tell me what's going on" I beg. I lightly pull her face to me so I can look in her eyes and she lets out a groan. She was limp in my arms as I check her pulse.

"Help" she wheezes and I feel a tear fall. I have never been so scared in my life. She looked almost dead but she was certainly still breathing. I call 911 but don't have a lot of information to give them. She just looked really bad and it was scaring the hell out of me. Her nose obviously broken and her hair a mess. Her lip was split really well and would need stitches for sure. Her eyes swollen shut and bloodied. Her clothes were all ripped up and she was almost unrecognizable with all the scratches and bruises and blood covering her exposed skin. It was really bad. I hear her trying to breath and freak out because I have no clue what to do. She starts to choke on the blood and I feel her go limp in my arms. I don't even know how I would be able to help. I just hold her close and tell her everything will be okay. Man I hope that was true.

The paramedics arrive quickly and get her into a stretcher. She stays conscious and the paramedics say it's important to keep her awake and alert. I hop in the ambulance as we ride over to the hospital lightning quick. Everything was a blur as they rush to keep her going. I had so many questions but none bigger than asking myself why I let it get this far. They take her back to get her help and I'm stuck in the waiting room left to my thoughts. After a hour or so I head to the front desk and decide to start asking some questions.

"Hello, I'm Kris Bryant here with Alexandria Price. I was wondering if you guys have any previous medical records on her" I ask. The lady pulls up her files and her eyes go big.

"Yeah, she's been here a few times. Looks like we've had her for a broken hand, broken nose, broken cheek bone, and deep bruises. All within the last four years" she says and I nearly choke on the air. That's a lot of substantial injuries and still no one has said anything?

"Ummm wow. Okay. Any reasons for the injuries" I ask.

"They all say accidents" she explains to me. Wow. Just wow. I ask them to contact her parents and they do so then I go back to the waiting room. By noon they finally come out to talk to me.

It's been five hours since we got there and I have no idea how she is doing and what they had to do her. I was terrified honestly. The game starts in about a hour but I told Anthony I had to take care of this first. He told Joe and Joe understood.

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