Chapter Forty Six| Back At It

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"Alright, stretch out and wells get started" Alex instructs placing herself on the floor of the weight room and I nod. She started back at work today and I, of course, was her first victim.

I get stretched out and we hop on the treadmill. We warm up with jogging three miles and I was ready to go. She set up a bunch of things for me to do before getting a drink as she explained them to me.

"Are you excited to be back" I ask.

"Ask me after we do these exercises" she laughs. Fair enough.

We start with hurdles and do two minutes of two foot hops. Then we get shorter hurdles and do high knees forward and back and side to side. After that we move to burpees which sucked so hard. She made me do those at home and I still can't seem to get the hang of them. Then we do some weighted squats and lunges before calling it a day. After about a hour we were done and I was feeling it.

I lay in the floor completely exhausted and she tosses a towel on top of me.

"Literally how" I huff as she stands over me completely unphased while I lay dead on the floor.

"Because" she smirks and I smile up at her. She helps me off the ground and my legs actually felt like jello.

"I missed not being able to walk" I admit and she giggles.

"You're welcome" she replies.

I take myself back home while she works with some of other guys. I find her sister playing with Bennett as he messed around with some toys.

"Hey Mandy" I say setting my stuff down and she smiles up to me.

"Hey Kris. How are you this morning" she asks getting off the floor and picking Bennett up.

"Sore. Your sister is very intense" I remember.

"Always has been" she laughs handing me my baby. He latched his little fingers into my shirt and everything felt right again.

"Was he good for you today" I ask and she nods.

"We was an angel. He should be ready for his nap" she assures me.

"Perfect. How much do I owe you" I ask.

"Oh nothing at all. I love spending time with my nephew" she insists.

"I have to give you something" I insist.

"You make my sister happy. That's payment enough" she claims.

"Okay than. Thank you for watching him" I say.

"Anytime" she smiles. She leaves and I take Ben up to his room. I change his diaper before laying him down on his back. He looks up to me and it looks like he was trying to smile. His little mouth moves around and it make my heart flutter.

"You going to sleep buddy" I ask as he starts to squirm. His eyes flutter shut as his body relaxes. I softly caress his cheek and he leans his head against me. What a sweet little boy he was.

I go downstairs and get some food out for lunch. I make myself a sandwich and crash on the couch. At about 2 Alex comes home and she jumps on top of me.

"Hello angel" I smile.

"Hi baby. How are you" she asks just beaming.

"Good, but not as good as you apparently" I notice.

"I'm just really happy to be back at work and now back home" she claims.

"You know, I didn't get a kiss goodbye" I recall.

"You left me" she giggles.

"Right. I just need to fix that" I claim. I pull her on top of me and press my lips to her neck. Her skin tastes sweet as ever. Her hands run through my hair as she grinds her body against mine.

"Alex" I whisper on her skin. She places a deep kiss on my lips and I felt like I was losing my mind.

The baby monitor goes off and Alex lets her head fall in the crook of my neck as she laughs.

"I knew this was too good to be true" she giggles.

"Wait wait wait.... he stopped" I notice as it falls silent. We start to kiss again until his crying fills the air.

"I got him" she says rolling off of me and up the stairs. I get off the couch to put the rest of my food and she returns downstairs with a happy Bennett in her hands.

"Someone just wanted attention" she claims as he smiles up at her. Don't worry bud, I know the feeling.

"What if I wanted your attention" I smirk as I put the chips away.

"You get my attention, that's why we have a kid" she claims and I laugh. She has a point. I go over and mess with his side until he giggles. He grabs my finger and gives me that same gummy smile as earlier. 

"I think he wants a little brother or sister" I claim.

"I think you do" Alex counters.

"I wouldn't be against it" I smirk.

"I think we should get married first because me changing dress sizes a bunch of times sounds terrible."

"You really wouldn't mind?"

"Of course not. This is the family I've dreamed of for so long. I have you and you're more than I could ever ask for. I didn't know you could be so in love with someone until I met you. I've been through some shit, but I would do it all over again if it was for you. And I have Zeke who loves me unconditionally. He always makes me happy and is always happy to see me. And I would to have another little person to put all my time and effort into just to have love in return. I promise you, I want it all and I want it with you."

"I don't want you to feel like you have to do something just because I want to. I promise I won't get mad or leave you if you don't always see things the way I do."

"That's the thing Kris, I want all the things you do. And sometimes I don't know it, but you show me that you got me and would never do something to hurt me. Everything I've been so scared of has happened and it happy it did. Because it turns out I'm not the worlds worst mother or fiancé. I actually enjoy being those things and can't wait to be a mother of two and your wife. I see things through your eyes now, and this world is so beautiful" she says with a little sniffle.

"I love that you love so much" I admit.

"And I love you" she smiles.

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