Chapter Thirty Six| Comedy Night

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Cubs Convention 2016 was under way and I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun. We get to give the fans a taste of the new team before heading off to spring training. A lot of little games and getting to know you's and interviews but like always, it should be lots of fun.

I wasn't exactly sure what it's going to be like as far as the reaction to what's changed since most people heard from me last. The guys on the team and their families know Alex and I are expecting, but I'm not sure how the fans will take it. Our life isn't that public, mostly because we didn't want it to be. The best way to fix a problem is to prevent it, so we just didn't tell anyone. If what all went through got out without it coming from our mouths I'm sure there would be a whole scandal, so we usually lay low. It's not that bad, we get more time together and I don't have to wear a baseball cap over my face at home so having date night there isn't as bad as it seems. But people will start to put two and two together, it's not going to take long. Everyone knows she's my girlfriend and she's very pregnant so there's no hiding it. I'm honestly just hoping for the best.

The first thing on the agenda to do is introductions. I was near the back of the line with Joe and Jake as they announce the awards we won last season along with our names. Since it would be a while until my name is called I take a load off and sit down. That ends quickly when Jake sits in my lap causing me to grunt.

"On a scale of one to ten how much did you miss me" he asks.

"I saw you at the baby shower" I remind him.

"That was like two weeks ago" he scoffs.

"Fine. Jake I missed you more than I missed my parents when I went off to college" I joke.

"I knew it" he claims and I roll my eyes.

"Got room for one more" someone asks and I see Jason Heyward standing there. This was my first time actually meeting him and damn, this dude is huge. Almost as tall as me but a lot more muscular. It was kind of intimidating, he looked like he should be playing professional football instead.

"I don't know. I think I'll need a few more weeks with my girlfriend before we try that" I laugh.

"That's right. You're girlfriend is the personal trainer for the Cubs right" he remembers.

"Yup" I smile.

"When is she due" he asks.

"Middle of May" I nod.

"That's exciting. You know for a bunch of young guys there sure are a lot of little ones running around here" Jason notices.

"Well our home is the friendly confines. It would be bad if we weren't family friendly. But the organization not only takes care of us but our family. Always keeps our interests in mind and keeps everyone's happy. Might as well keep having babies" Jake shrugs from my lap.

"Nice to know" Jason smiles.

We all get introduced and watch a little video montage from last season. There was a lot of hype around us for this year and rightfully so. We should easily win 100 games this year and we know it. Other teams know it. The fans know it. The people who get paid to talk about it most certainly know it. If this isn't the year then I don't know what is.

After that was all said and done we head over to one of the ball room for Ryan dempsters comedy night. It was all adults and a few of the guys were invited in the stage. I sit with Alex backstage as we listen to him tell stories and talk to the guys. He was hilarious and I was honestly loving it.

Eventually he pulls up David and he gets a warm welcome. He sits across from Ryan and opens up a cold one.

"Am I that bad of a host that you're already drinking before we get started" Ryan teases.

"What are you talking about, this is my second one" David smirks.

"Of course. Now lets get started. As you know you're on a team of a bunch of young guys, who are you most impressed by so far" Ryan questions.

"Easily Kris Bryant. The kid is a stud. And the things the people don't see is what makes him the most impressive. There's a lot of training and eating right and mental preparation that goes into his game that goes unnoticed. But he's a amazing player and amazing guy" David says.

"And he's really good looking" Ryan adds on as I shake my head.

"That he is, but if you think you can get him from his girlfriend then I'm sorry to tell you that will never happen. Those kids are something else together" David admits. I turn to Alex and she gives me a smile.

"It's okay" she claims and I nod. I had no problem running him out there and stopping him if she didn't like it.

"Have you met his girlfriend" Ryan asks.

"Met her? She kicks my ass two to three times a week then every other day is my ray of sunshine. She's one of my favorite people on this team. I defiantly like her better than Anthony" he scoffs.

"Is she here" Ryan asks.

"Yeah, her and Kris are backstage right now" David tells him and my eyes go wide.

"I think we should bring them out" Ryan says. I look over to Alex and she just shrugs.

"Are you sure about this" I ask.

"I mean would you rather just pop a baby out and have to explain that" she asks.

"No, but if you don't want to do this then I don't want to do it" I insist.

"I'll be fine, I swear. It'll be nice to have to stop hiding all the time" she admits and I nod. I grab her hand and pull her it to the stage. She sits next to David and I sit on the side of her. I hear little whispers as we get settled in and I look out to the crowd.

"Wow, you're pregnant" Ryan notices.

"Really? Didn't notice" Alex jokes and everyone laughs a little.

"Oh she's funny, I like it" he smiles.

"So Alex, are you excited for this upcoming season" David asks before handing her a microphone.

"I am. Last year I worked with strictly infielders on cutting and turning and accelerating and if your Kris here being able to bench press more than 30 pounds and this year I get to work with everyone. Including more with a certain catcher" she winks.

"You're not gonna make me cry are you" he asks.

"I don't make any promises I can't keep" she claims.

"So Kris, how do you feel knowing that your girlfriend is pregnant and still more of a bad ass than you" David asks and I laugh.

"She could be carrying three babies and still be more of a bad add than me" I laugh.

"Okay, that's true" he nods.

We sit up there for thirty minutes laughing and answering stupid questions. Turns out I was worried about nothing, Alex was having a great time in front of the crowd. I look over and she smiles at me big. She sat there beautiful as always and it was then I knew we were going to do great things.

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