Chapter 23

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Luxe's POV

I hope that today Ash and I can officially start dating. I have a feeling that he'll ask me, but I am fine with being the one to ask.

As I walked into art class, I passed my old seat next to Nova and sat next to Ash. He saw me sit down, but only smiled slightly and looked away awkwardly.

"Hey, are you feeling okay today?" I asked sensing that something was off.

Adam nodded but still didn't face me. "Yeah I'm fine."

"I'm just going to come out and say it then. I really want to be your girlfriend. Judging from the tattoo session, I would also guess that you feel the same way. So will you be my boyfriend?" I searched his face and saw him wince slightly.

"Listen, Luxe, I really can't be that person for you as much as I want to be." Ash said gently, like his voice would shatter if he spoke any louder.

I tried to collect my thoughts as I spoke again. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know if I can talk about this right now." Ash looked back to his canvas and began working again.

He started sketching an outline of a figure, but I placed my hand over his causing him to stop.

"You can tell me. I can help you through whatever it is that you're dealing with." I said seriously.

Ash paused and placed his charcoal on the table. "Well... My dad is very strict and all my life... let's say he hasn't had an issue showing me exactly how he feels about me. He says no girlfriend, and I need to listen to him for my own safety. I'm sorry."

I tried to piece together exactly what Ash is saying. His dad abuses him? Poor thing. And I never have sympathy for anyone.

"Hey. This can still work out. We can hang out at my house, and in school. No elaborate dates and I don't even need to exist on your dad's mind. Win win, right?" I placed my hand on his leg and he looked at me with his icy eyes, that seemed to have some light in them for the first time.

"If you say so. We need to be very careful, though. Okay?" Ash warned.

I nodded. Turning around to face Nova to fill her in, she gives me a big thumbs up indicating that she heard the entire conversation.

Oh, I forgot one thing. My parents also can't find out about Ash. Now I'm currently hiding a tattoo and two secret relationships from my parents.

This could get messy.

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