Part 1: Hal's

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Shit... I'm on my ass. I fell again. I have got to stop running in the rain. I pick myself up and dust the wet sticky grass off of my pants. I examine myself, praying it doesn't look like I peed. My quick glance down concludes that it's not too bad and the water will dry. Although, the rain that is pouring down is causing me look like a drowned rat, anyway. I look around making sure no one saw that little stunt I just pulled. I think I'm in the clear.

"Ma'am!" Fuuuuck. Just kidding I am so not, in the clear.

'Woah'  I thought to myself. There in front of me stood the most attractive man I have ever seen. His eyes were a cold and piercing blue and his hair was black. He stood tall. Very tall. The confidence dripped off of him with the rain.

"Uh, me?" Duh you, jackass of course you. I tried to say more but my brain and mouth weren't connecting.

"Yes, you I just wanted to inform you of that slight break in the path there. Seems as though you have a habit of tripping." Jerk.

"Thanks...," I give him an unenthused face.

"Sir." I say it kind of cold. I turn to start in the opposite direction so that I can peacefully finish my run.

"Wait, shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off as a jackass." Well, your intent was not clear sir. He checks his watch, like he's late for something. He seems nervous, and a bit jittery. I really just want to finish my damn run so I can eat a Twinkie and not feel bad about it.

" Uh, let me buy you a coffee, there's a great café near by, it'll give you a chance to get out of this rain." 

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm not a huge coffee drinker, and I would really enjoy getting back to my run." I mean a hot tea would be nice , but I don't want to get caught up and be late to the job I've only had for three weeks.

"Me either. How about a drink then? Tonight. I'll be at Hal's until about nine. If you would like to join drinks are on me." I nod my head at him

"I'll consider."

"Great! See you at Hal's." He winks at me

"Nice to meet you..." He pauses like he wants to know my name

"Kam" He tenses a bit, which seems odd.

"Kam, well I'm.." He trails off a bit and looks down at his watch again.

"late.. shit. Late.. Hal's tonight. Be there." Be winks again and runs off.

Today is gong to be strange. I finish my run and rush into my apartment stripping off the wet clothes and shooing the dogs away from licking the water off my skin. I never skip a day of running. I take the hottest shower possible, washing the sweat and rain away. I step out of the shower my body still angry red and steaming and get ready for work.

Walking into the office I notice the daily bustle. I sit down at my desk, check to see if there's any messages for me to relay.

Around lunch time my boss comes over and leans on my desk. She's a beautiful woman, caramel skin, long dark hair, long legs. I'm the opposite. I'm petite, very fair and I have shoulder length dirty blonde/light brown hair.

"Hey, Kam. Any plans tonight?" She asks me in a tone that suggests she's up to something.

"I'm not quite sure, I was thinking about heading over to Hal's for a beer later tonight." Do not judge me. He was extremely attractive and intriguing. AND drinks are on him.

"Hal's? Are you a forty year old divorced dad taking out his tinder date? C'mon. Some of us are going to MIX tonight. Come with." UGH I do NOT want to go there. I do not want to get groped by a sweaty dude who is going to try and take me home. Not my ideal Friday evening

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