15: Good-bye

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A/N:WARNING- Sad and sexually mature content ahead.


It was four in the morning when we got the call. The sound of my phone ringing woke me out of a deep sleep. When I answered it I could tell something was wrong. Noah's voice was shaky, and horse. My mom was gone. 

"I need you down here. Dom, he's in really bad shape Kam. You're the only one he wants to see." I rushed out of bed, still unable to process any of the information. Ben sat up in bed. 

"Whats going on? Kam, slow down."

"I can't." 

"Kamden." His voice was stern and I just looked at him.

"She's gone Ben." He got out of bed and walked toward me. He wrapped himself around me and I just collapsed. baring all of my weight into him. He sits down on the floor, just holding me like a child while my mind and heart shatters.  All of a sudden, I'm composed. 

"Oh,  god. Dom. I've gotta go." I rush to put on my shoes and find a hoodie, not caring what I look like. Ben's also putting on his shoes. 

"what are you doing?"

"Coming with you." This time has truly been a test of ben's character, how loyal and supportive he is. How he cares so unconditionally. I realized within these last few days, that I'm completely in love with him. 

"Thank you." 

I can't stop reliving that in my head as I stare at the priest at the church saying things I couldn't really relate to. Dom was sitting to my left and Ben to my right. Dom was holding my hand. He was the most shaken out of all of us. I think the thought of having to go back to active duty so soon is really messing with him. Seb didn't come to the funeral. Part of me isn't shocked but, most of me is sad for him. For all of us. Noah asked me to give the eulogy. I told him I would, only  if everyone else promised to say something too, not a whole speech just a memory. The priest goes on for another twenty minutes, but I don't hear a word he says. Then, it's my turn. I give Dom's hand a squeeze and make my way to the podium. 

"On behalf of my brothers and sister... Noah, Owen, Domonic, Eliot, Lucy and Sebastian along with our significant others, we thank you for your countless texts, calls and visits, while they've been comforting they've also been a sign of how many people truly cared for my mother. 

For those of you that know us, know how much of a firecracker my mother was. You know that her and my dad are sitting somewhere right now, together, and my mom is slapping him on the chest for someone inappropriate remark he just made about someone's outfit. 

My mother was someone who loved outwardly, wore her heart on her sleeve, and whenever you knew she'd been let down she'd simply say, 'it wasn't meant to happen that way, it'll work itself out.' My mother made her own plan for life, and wasn't afraid to live out all of her dreams. 

The seven of us were lucky to be raised by the parents we had. We're sad she's gone, but happy they're now together again." I fold up the note cards, and dab the tissue at my eyes.

I make my way back to my seat, head held high, proud of myself for making it through with just subtle tears in my eyes. Ben kisses my cheek and tells me he's proud of me. 

I watch the podium as all of my siblings go up, one by one to say something. Getting my hopes up that Seb will show up. I give Ben a sad smile and lean my head on his shoulder, ready for this to be over. Ready to throw myself back in to as normal as a life as possible.

After the funeral, all of the siblings and our families, go out to my mom's favorite restaurant. We all shared laughs and told childhood stories, ones we'd all heard a hundred times, but for Ben they were a first. I really enjoy seeing him fit in with my brood. Owens's to my right, Ben's to my left, Dom's across from me. Owen leans into my ear and whispers,

"I really like him, he's a good man." I look at Owen with a smile. 

"He is." Ben's been so great about just being thrown into this mess. He's been there to hold me when I couldn't stand, he's been there to dry my tears, or listen to me screaming because I just needed to get it out. He's already shown me how much a loyal man he can be. I rested my head on his shoulder, taking in his intoxicating scent. 

After lunch we all head back to home base. The house is quiet, It's eerie. 

"I'm going to lay down. I need a break." I announce to the room. I head towards the stairs, slipping off the heels that my sister lent me. 

"Want some water?" Ben's voice was shocking, and deep. I turn to him and just nod a yes. I collapse on the bed. Too exhausted to even change into something more comfortable. I hear Ben come in behind me, and close the door, I hear him slip off his shoes. I feel him push the covers out and slide into them, pulling me close to him. I burry my head into his chest and drift off. 

I wake up to soft kisses making their way down my body. I can feel Ben's hands making their way around my curves. My brain reaches overdrive as I feel the touch I've been craving for almost a week. I let out a soft sigh. 

"Good morning, pretty lady." His voice is husky and filled with lust. His eyes are dark. 

He shocks me and hikes up my dress fairly fast. I let out a squeal. 

"Mm, quiet baby, we can't have people hearing you." He's right that'd be extremely embarrassing. I slap my hand over my mouth as my other reaches out to Ben's hair, as his tongue starts to assault my core. My hips start rocking against him, pleading for more. 

"Ben please," It comes out breathy and low. 

"Please what baby."

"Please fuck me, I want to feel you inside me."  With that he pushes his pants down, pushes my knees to my shoulders and slips into me. His hardness filling me. He breaths heavy as he slowly strokes in and out of me, I can feel his entire length. He picks up speed and my breath catches in my throat. My nails dig into his bad and I'm having trouble keeping quiet. 

"Oh Ben," I breath out, Ben's eyes meet mine, and he speeds up even more. The bed is definitely squeaking. 

"Slow down, please, I can't." My hand moves to his chest trying to slow him, but it's too late. We're both reaching our climax together. He collapses next to me, his breathing hard and rigid. 

"Whoo, pretty lady, I love you." His eyes widen as he realizes what he's just said, and my eyes widen as I realize he said it first. 

I pull his face to mine and crash my lips against his. I can feel him smile into the kiss. 

"I love you too Ben." 

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