20: Talk About it

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Watching Holden zoom around on the ice completely in his zone, is something incredible. Watching Ben give his unconditional support, is even more incredible. Ben volunteered to help coach Holden's hockey team which, I had no idea he knew how to play. My nephew is really an incredible athlete.

Tonight Dom, and Lily are coming into town with their twins. I'm really excited that my siblings are coming to visit often. It's making me less home sick and I have big plans for the weekend. Moving into the house and getting it set up is taking a lot longer than I thought it would, we've already been in the house three weeks, and I have barely begun the furniture shopping. The house is still so empty. I'm hoping I can recruit Lucy for a little girl time and shopping sprees. 

There's a faint knock at the door thats barely audible over the sizzling of the dinner pan, and I think it to be the knocks of little tykes. 

"Holden, can you get that please, It should be uncle Dom and aunt Lily." He acts like he doesn't hear me and keeps his eyes glued to his Nintendo.

"Holden." I say a little louder and a little more stern. He tosses his game to his side, gets up and heads for the door. He opens it and walk away. I make my way towards the door to greet the guests. 

"Hi guys!" 

"Aunty Kammy!" The twins run towards me with their arms out wide.

"Hi babies!" I smooch both of their heads a dozen times and fall to the ground with them in a fit of giggles, Dom and Lucy are greeted by the pups who are happily accepting all of the love they have to offer. I pull myself together and stand up to hug my brother and his lady. 

"Hey kiddo, where's that man of yours" Dom questions.

"Oh he had to head into the bar for a bit, something about one of the kitchen staff causing issues with the bar backs. It's always a staff problem there lately."

"That's how it is in the industry." Dom worked in bars and restaurants all throughout high school until he enlisted in the military. 

"He should be home any minute, he was planning on being here for dinner. You guys didn't eat yet right?"

"The kids did but not us."  I continued making dinner while Dom helped me a bit.

"I'm really glad you guys came to visit."

"Us too. I just got word that I may get deployed again, so we're trying to spend a ton of time with family incase it happens."

"You've only been home a couple months." I felt my face fall.

"This one won't be long, just a training deployment. Just a few months." I nod my head at him hearing what he has to say  but keeping my focus on the food on the stove. 

Ben walks through the door as if on cue with a case of beer, a bottle of wine, and a bouquet of flowers. He walks over and hands me the flowers with a kiss on the cheek. 

"Thank you, they're beautiful Ben." 

"Hope you're not just showing off because I'm here." Dom pipes in from behind. 

"No, he brings me new ones every Friday." I speak up and shine a big smile at Ben.  Ben and Dom embrace in a dude hug. I replace last weeks flowers that center the kitchen island with the new ones Ben brought.

"I'm going to go lite that fire pit up, want to come give me a hand with the wood Dom? Grab a beer."  Lily finishes putting the twins down for bed and joins me in the kitchen. 

"Ooh wine! That man of yours is a good one," She says pointing to the flowers on the island.

"He is."

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