Part 5: Girls Weekend

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"KAM!!!!" I hear my name being screamed in the bustling traffic of the airport, it's without a doubt Eli.

"Hey El," I laugh as I embrace him.

"Where are the girls?"

"Bathroom, they'll be right out."  I take a deep breath, still hugging my brother.

"I missed you."

" I missed you too kiddo, don't worry, we'll do this more often."



I feel someone else come up behind us and add onto the hugging party. Lily, I can tell by her perfume.

"Hey Lil, We ready to get this thing on?" We break the hug and start jumping up and down.

Everyone starts chanting 'Girls trip'. buckling over in intense laughter at our own stupidity in the process.

The feeling of being surrounded by family has got to be the best feeling ever. As much as I've been through lately, I do have to say my family has supported my every decision and there to call whenever I needed.

"So..." Lily pondered off as if she was second guessing what she was about to say.

"So what Lil?"

" I'm just wondering if it's the best decision to be going on a date."

" I don't know if it's a date, but I think it is. He's a really sweet guy, and if it's not a date, I could really use a friend here."

" I just want to be sure you're making the decision you feel is best for yourself."

"Thanks Lily, but I do, he seems like a guy that really has his stuff together"


The rest of the car ride fell into a comfortable silence.

When we got back to my apartment I immediately had to start getting ready. Ben would be here any minute and boy was I getting nervous. I'm not nervous about being out with Ben, it's easy with him. I'm nervous about being out in general, my guard is up, and I'm afraid to let it down.

The door bell rings as I'm slipping my earrings in.

"I've got it!" Eli yells towards my room. I Start sprinting towards the front door screaming no.

I open the front door a little out of breath.

"Hi Ben." I manage to breath out kind of shaky. He's doubled over in laughter.

"Wow, you look great." I can feel my cheeks heating up.

"Thank you," Im dressed simply, black jeans and a dark green sweater. the color of the sweater makes my eyes pop, so i put in my contacts, and i curled my hair into loose beach waves.

"You can come in, I just have to feed the dogs and we can leave." He comes in and I introduce him to everyone. Everyone being on their best behavior, thank god.

The night is easy. The conversation comfortable, until he asks me the question I was dreading answering, but I'm not going to hide anymore, it's over now, I can face it.

"So, Kam, what brings you all the way out here by yourself?"

"Well," I cleared my throat before continuing.

"I was married," He choked a bit on his water "Was, and it didn't end well."

"So, you're divorced now?"

"I am, officially. It took me awhile to move here, so we've been separated for a year and a half."

"Have you dated since?" that caught me off guard a bit

"No, I've been trying to work on myself, lots of therapy and just over all trying to find myself. I got married really young, I didn't really know who I was independently, it's a hard thing to find."

"I hear you. How old were you?"

"I was 19, We were married for almost 6 years."

"Wow, that is crazy young. Your parents were okay with it?"

" My dad has passed about 2 years before hand and my mom was still trying to figure out what it would be like still having 4 of us kids at home by herself. I mean, me getting married was the least of Her concerns at the time, the only one that had reservations about it was my oldest brother Noah, he never really liked Eric, I guess he has a good radar on people." I chuckled a bit.

"I lost my dad too, about 4 years ago," My smile faded

"I'm so sorry to hear that."

"Thank you, he was a good man, he actually started everything that is now Hal's. The Hal behind Hal's"

"Do you enjoy following in his footsteps?"

"I really do, but I also dabble in real estate, hence the studio."

"Jack of all trades." He nodded at my comment

The rest of the night went smoothly, we talked about what we wanted out of our futures. We talked about what I was going to do with the studio, I even showed him so photos that had inspired me for the design.

He told me about his family as we sat in this awesome hole in the wall bar, for what seemed like hours. His phone rang bringing us out of our conversation, he looked at it and cussed under his breath.

"I hate to be that guy, but I really have to take this."

I smiled at him. "It's no problem."

He came back, with a look on his face that screamed dread.

"My bar back just walked out, so, it looks like I'm going to have to cut the night short, I'm really sorry Kam."

"It's okay Ben, we've been here for 4 hours." I laughed a bit.

"They were probably going to kick us out soon."

He kissed my cheek and thanked me.

"Let me walk you home,"

"Actually, why don't I have everyone meet me at your bar? I'm sure they want to get out, and it's their ideal spot." I winked at him

"Even better, I can get to know the people that shaped you into the beautiful person that you are." My cheeks are red hot, definitely a visible blush situation.

We walk casually and slowly to the bar, I texted everyone on the way back that way we would all arrive at the same time.

When we're at the bar we all mingle, Eli, drinking a little more than his capacity. Eli, is a funny drunk. He's the first to jump up for karaoke or to dance. He's truly the life of any party.

Ben was being too kind to us, sending us rounds on the house.

Finally we make it home, and I have to work up the motivation to walk the dogs quickly. Thankfully the work I needed to do was for the studio this weekend and I'm my own boss so I can't get into trouble for showing up late or hungover. I snuggle into my bed, Eli already snoring peacefully. I check my phone one last time before putting it up for the night and I have a text from Ben.

-Our date isn't over, I still owe you a movie. So can I see you again?

-Of course, maybe next week? I want to take the rest of the weekend with the sibs.

-Tuesday it is.

We say goodnight and I sleep easily. Feeling safe, and content.

The rest of the weekend goes by quickly, lots of partying, lots of wine, and lots of laughing. I was sad to see everyone off, but happy to be able to veg out alone with the dogs on the couch finally.

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