Part 21: Conformation

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I'd been in the position a few times, the first doctors appointment, the excitement of the conformation.

I'm pregnant.

Ben squeezes my hand and sends me a smile as the technician preforms the ultrasound.

"It's not empty." I breathed out as tears pool in the corners of my eyes.

"Wait you can see it?" The tech asked shocked that I found the little bean so quickly.

"I've done this a few times," Ben kisses my forehead.

"Everything is looking really healthy Ms. Shaw. There is this shadow here, so I'm going to send some pictures over to your OB but its probably nothing so don't stress yourself out. You're measuring at 7 weeks, so we'll see you next week for an 8 week ultrasound and we'll be able to hear that heart beat. Based off of your pregnancy history your doctor wants to monitor your HCG levels. So, get cleaned up and follow me, it's just a quick blood test and we can do it here in the office." I nod my head at her taking in everything that she's saying.

"We're doing this."

"We are, but, I'm still not in the clear. Once we get to 12 weeks, I'll breath a little easier."

"Don't stress your momma out little bean." Ben speaks to my tummy and I laugh as his breath tickles my skin a bit.

The rest of the appointment goes well and I can feel a weight lifted off of my chest. Something about all of this just feels so right.

"How are you feeling about all of this?" I asked Ben.

"Honestly? I'm a little scared, but not for me, I'm scared of how hurt you will be if this doesn't work out. But mainly, I'm really excited to walk this journey with you. I think this is our time. We're in a really good place right now." I squeeze his hand to tell him I hear him and I plant a kiss on his cheek.

"How are you feeling about dinner with my mom tonight? Should we tell her?" I think about it in my head a bit.

"What do you think? Do you think she'd be able to handle if it didn't work out?"

"I think she wouldn't be able to handle it if she didn't know and it didn't pan out. She loves you, I know she'd want to be there to support you."

"What about your brothers?"

"I guess we should tell them, and we're taking that trip to Delaware in a 2 weeks, we can tell your siblings then." I twinge of excitement bubbled in my stomach and I smile up at him.

We spend the rest of the afternoon walking around the city and spending time together, we stop by a t-shirt store and get some aunts, uncles and a grandma shirt as our way to tell everyone, which if I must say got expensive, when you factor in how many siblings I have, I realized that I didn't want, when we told Jane and Ben's brothers about me being pregnant, for it to also be Holdens first time hearing about it.

"We should tell Holden before dinner tonight. I don't want the news to blindside him."

"I agree with you."

We head home to meet Holden's bus, the school year is flying by. Before we know it, he'll be back in California with his parents, unless he decides to stay, which I'd be so happy about. The bond Holden and I have formed is incredible.

Holden walked into the house and hangs his bag up on the hook. I look at Ben amazed that he actually did it.

"Hey bud how was your day?" Ben asks Holden as he enters the kitchen.

"It was good! I'm starving though, what time are we going to Ms. Janes?" Ben and I share a look and I let out a very audible laugh.

"We aren't going for a few hours, why don't you find a snack. There's something Aunt Kam and I want to talk to you about before we go though." Holden's face changes.

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