9: Future

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I've never been to Ben's place. I'm not quite sure what to expect, he's definitely a guy that has his shit together, but he's also a single guy who doesn't seem to spend much time at home. Most of me is preparing for a bare bachelor pad. After we packed up a few things for myself and the dogs, we were walking past the bar back to his place, which was only a few blocks away, the bar situated essentially in the middle of our apartments. By this time the bar is closed and I'm sure everyone is gone.

"We don't have to stop, I'm feeling pretty tired, and there's no outside area for the dogs, I have a big day tomorrow."

"I promised you a drink, and a drink will be had, we can go into the back door right into my office, the dogs will be fine in there, it's a pretty big room. We can sit with them in there." I just nod my head in agreement and give him a smile.

We walk around to his office where he leaves me to go get us a beer. He returns with my usual Corona and 2 limes.

"I'm predictable."

"Nothing wrong with liking what you like." He gives me a shy smile.

"I really hope Seb is okay. He's just a kid, he's always been the trouble maker... I think he took dad's passing the hardest. He was only 13 at the time, and that's a pretty primitive time in anyones life, without the trauma, and then a year later my mom getting sick and she's just been a rapid decline ever since."

"How old is he?"

"He just turned Twenty-One. He's the youngest of us. He kinda got the short stick. He idolizes my ex-husband. They are thick as thieves. My ex got him into some bad shit, coke, drinking. Stuff that a kid his age really shouldn't be into or really anyone."

"OH wow, he's so young."

"Yeah. I know what you saw back there wasn't great. But, inside he's just a scared little boy. He just hasn't been able to navigate life healthily yet."

"I understand." as we finish up our beers I realize that it's almost 4 am and we had really been milking it. I was starting to drift off on the love seat in his office.

"Come on pretty lady, let's go get some sleep." I straighten myself out after I stand up. I'm sure I look like an absolute mess. I was already in my pajamas and about to slip into my bedsheets when Seb pulled his little stunt. Man, I was really looking forward to that sleep. I've been working so much on the studio, and I really could be finished I'm just a perfectionist and I just can't get the last details the way I want them to be exactly. I have a hard time letting go of perfection.  Now that I have full control over my life, I have a hard time letting that control go. Mental note to bring that up in therapy. Walking into Bens apartment I'm pleasantly surprised that its warmly decorated and huge. I can't believe he lives here all alone. 

"This place is great Ben!" The walls are a medium grey tone, and the furniture are a light tan leather. With touches of dark woods and some dark blues in the knick knacks.

"Thank you, I had someone come in and decorate, I don't have the touch and it's nice coming home to furniture."he lets out a short chuckle. I just shoot him a smile.

"Theres only one bedroom, so I'll take the couch."

"No need, we're both adults." I give him a sure look. 

"Are you sure, I know we agreed not to rush things."

"Ben... I really appreciate your concern, truly, but sleep isn't exactly my idea of rushing something. You're letting me and my pups into your home, don't put yourself out for me. Plus, it would be nice sleeping next to someone. It's been a while." Ben just looked at me kind of surprised that I was so okay with him sleeping in the same bed as me. But really I don't mind, especially after this mornings events, I feel safe with Ben, he's come to my rescue more than once, without any obligation, he's kind, he's incredibly smart and intuitive, not to mention really handsome. He puts his hand in the small of my back and leads me to his bedroom. It's also decorated warmly, with masculine touches, without the bachelor vibes. By this point I'm so completely exhausted but it's almost 6 am and the thought of going to sleep seems silly to me.  I think out loud for a minute.

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