13: Glue

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There's so many thoughts flooding my head as we pull into the driveway of my mom's home. The painful thoughts that she may never walk the halls here again, or enjoy her grandchildren here again. My whole body is tense. I don't know if I can go into the house.

"I can't do this." Ben grips my hand.

"Yes, you can. You can do anything. Show me around this insane house you grew up in." I squeeze his hand and take off my seatbelt. I sharply inhale, trying to mentally prepare myself for the journey I'm about to embark. I step out of Bens car and attempt to straighten out my clothes. Ben managed to make the entire six and a half hour drive without stopping. I managed to make it without needing a pee break. I look around the driveway and surrounding street to see who's cars are here, who I can anticipate being on the other side of that door. Mike's car is here, along with Lucy's and Dom's.

I walk hand in hand with Ben to the front door. I haven't been this nervous walking through the front door, since that time I snuck out with Taylor to go to a frat party our senior year.

"Its going to be okay. It's your family in there, I'm the one who should be nervous, You've got five brothers." That statement surprisingly makes me laugh, I didn't know it was possible right now to do that.

I open the door, slowly, careful of any children in the way. And sitting on the couch going through paper work is everyone, except Seb.

"Mom's alone? You guys left Mom alone?" I didn't even manage to get out a hello, but right now anger feels better than sadness.

Noah, who's miraculously already here, stands up and puffs his chest, in the assertiveness he always tries to radiate.

"She's not alone, Emily is with her." I take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, hi. Everyone. Hi, what's the latest?"

"No improvement, but no decline, so, it's a waiting game." Mike says.

"Alright, well, I guess, let me do something happily, to lighten the mood. And, since we're all in the same room minus, Seb, and Emily, but Seb as we know has already been introduced," I look up at Ben and smile. "Everyone, this, is my boyfriend Ben." Lucy grins, maybe at how I can manage to smile at him even in a dark time. Thankfully everyone is sitting with their respective partners to make this next part a little easier.

"Ben, from left to right, we've got Owen, his wife is Emily. Noah and Hannah, Eli and Mike, Lucy and Nate, and lastly but surely not least, " I look at him and whisper, "We try to not damage his ego, Dom and Lily." Ben looks a little overwhelmed.

"It's really great to meet everyone, I'm really sorry its under such stressful circumstances. I've heard a lot about all of you, and I'm looking forward to spending some more time getting to know you." Dom stands up and shakes his hand.

"It's nice to meet you brother, Welcome to the disfunction that is this family." Woah. Owen's next in line to shake hands, and he offers Ben a beer. It's late, Its almost two am. We're still drinking?

"Want anything baby sis?" I ponder a minute.

"Vodka soda, hold the soda."

"Thats my girl," Eli squeals from the background and jumps up. Everyone goes back their conversations and I look up at Ben's towering figure.

"Thank you, for being their something happy today."

"No, Baby, thats you, you're their glue." We stand in the kitchen, Ben's back against the counter, me leaning against him, surrounded by my loved ones, feeling the warmest I've felt all day.

Maybe it's just the vodka.



Again, this is just a filler so it's much shorter than my typical chapters. Just a little breather before the heaviness to come.

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