Part 4: Fresh

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The drive back was dreadful. Long, and the dogs wouldn't settle down. I need to remember to find a good dog sitter in the city so I can travel back home more frequently without them. I love taking them home because of the kids, but this six hour drive with two, fifty pound dogs in a Honda Civic just is not worth it.

Pulling into my apartment parking garage, I instantly feel safe, I don't know why, parking garages usually creep me the fuck out. l think it's stemming from being so far away from the life I left back home. I'm off the grid here. I'm starting fresh, meeting new people. I'm getting my do over and I'm getting to take control of my own life now.

I text Ben to tell him I'm not up to go out tonight or to have company and I apologize for sucking, but I'm tired and it's already getting late. The dogs and I are already settled for the night. I Postmates some Thai food and finish off a bottle of wine I had in the fridge.

I open my computer to take a look at my schedule for the up coming week.

Thursday- Back to work, and give Michelle an explanation as to why I've been gone too long

Tour a work studio

Therapy appt.

Friday- Set up meeting with the new writer for Michelle

Call seb


Dinner with Ben

Maybe I should just call Seb now. I need to do it. I've been thinking about him ever since my conversation with Noah. I'm starting to really worry. I know about the shit he got himself mixed into. Its not good. He could seriously get him self into some trouble. Or worse, end up dead.

I don't even have his phone number, how sad is that. I text the sibs to see if anyone has it, Everyone has the same response,

"Good luck, I'm proud of you for reaching out, I know it's been tough for you, call with any news"

Lily, Dom's girlfriend calls.

"Hey Kam, It's Lily, I'm sorry we didn't get to really spend some time together when you were home, I was thinking maybe we could have a girls weekend? A few of us girls were thinking of maybe coming your way this weekend. i know its short notice, but we could all really use a break from the kids." she laughs a little. I love Lily, she's kind and smart, a beautiful Blond haired green eyed woman who could take my brother down with her pinky. She's always been his soft spot , the most assertive of the brood.

"Uhm Hi, Lil, who's the girls? Im sorry, " I trail off a bit and yell at the dogs to get out of the kitchen

"Oh shit, "She laughs at herself

"The girls being Emily, Lucy, Eli and myself." I laugh that she threw Eli in with all the girls. Of course Eli would come too.

"Of course, you know you guys are always welcome, and I'm finally settled and I have furniture, when were you thinking of arriving? I have some plans Friday night but can always arrange an Uber or something for you guys, are you driving or flying?"

"Probably going to fly, it's just easier, and we don't want to be in a car together for that long. Don't cancel your plans for us, we'll figure something out" True that would be interesting.

"Of course Lily, anytime, I may have to work a little this weekend but only for a few hours, I'll make sure everything is all set up. I'll make a reservation for us at this really great dim sum restaurant."

"Sounds great Kam, thank you so much, You don't know how much we need this."

"Love you Lil, tell Dom to text me back it's kind of important."

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