12: Pain

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Our nap went by quickly, my alarm goes off, telling me it's time to be a functioning human. Something I'm not ready for. I stretch my body out long letting out a loud, unintentional groan. Ben just pulls me closer to him. I wiggle my body away from his.

"C'mon sleepy head, you have to go to work and I have to have an awkward conversation." I tug at his. hand trying to pull him from the bed.

"I thought I was joining you?"

"Well you are, we're going to be at your bar, so maybe for starters if you're just hanging in the shadows."

"Whatever you think is best." He grumbles it a bit.

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, you're just being a little wishy, washy with this situation." My face drops, somehow I'm letting him down, without even realizing it.

"I know, and really I'm sorry, I'm just so anxious about all of this. Like what if Eric is also lurking in the shadows? I don't want you to get hurt. I've seen, experienced what he's capable of. I just dont want you getting tangled up in my messy shit."

"Baby, I know what your messy shit is. I want to help you through it. And if he's lurking in the shadows then I don't want you alone, I don't want to give him the opportunity to get near you. Me being in the shadows while you're talking to Taylor is no longer an option, I'll see how the bar is when we get there and I can do my paper work. tonight. In terms of me getting hurt," He flexes his biceps, "These babies have never let me down." By now I have tears in my eyes, someone willing to protect me, at any cost.

"I'm not doubting your physical capabilities, however, addicts how this super strength that you wouldn't believe, and its terrifying... I'm going to try to remain hopeful toward Taylor's intentions, I thought we were in a good place, and I dont want to believe that she's going to be the one that's letting me down this time." Ben pulls me onto his lap.

"I know baby, I hope this goes well for you. I hope that she doesn't throw away your friendship." I kiss his cheek and hug him close. My phone rings. Mike, Eli's partner's name flashes on my phone screen. I just meet Ben's eyes and answer.

"Hey, Mike, what's up?"

"Kam, you've gotta come home..." I could hear the exhaustion and worry in his voice.

"Mike, what's wrong?"

"It's Mom." I inhale sharply as the worst races through my mind. Ben gives me a questioning look and I collapse next to him on the bed. Trying to maintain my emotional composure, but it turns into a total body shut down. 

"Where's Eli, let me talk to him." I can hear a muffled handoff, but I can't make out any of the words. By now, I've put it on speaker, hoping to be able to hear better.

"Kam, it's bad baby, you gotta come home as soon as you can." Eli takes a deep breath. His voice is broken, hearing it like this is painful. Ben holds me, takes my phone and speaks for me.

"Eli, it's Ben. Can you tell me what happened, Kam can hear you, but I think she's processing." His grip around me tightens.

"Mom, she uh, had a stroke last night, her home nurse didn't call me until this morning. She's had 3 more since last night. The doctors said theres not much they can do at this point, but to keep her comfortable. We should say goodbye..." his voice trails off and I can hear his held back tears build in his throat. Ben pulls out his phone, it appears that he's checking for flights.

"It looks like we're going to have to drive. C'mon well take the dogs to my mom's." I think I love this man.

I manage to choke out my thoughts. "I have to uh, call Taylor and cancel. I uh, have to cancel things." Ben engulfs me in his chest,

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