Part 3: Freedom

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I wake up to the gross wet dog kisses of my dear babies Maggie and Mae. I stretch and rub my eyes to wake myself up and clear the grogginess. I walk down to the basement where Eli is. I throw a pillow at his head. 

"Wake up brat, I've gotta get divorced today." I laugh. The only way to get myself through this, comedy.

I wonder back upstairs to find my mom in the kitchen cooking breakfast, I look at the clock on the microwave, 7:00 am.  Ugh, I hate mornings. I grumble a bit under my breath. 

"Smells so good momma. Whatcha making." I walk up next to her and kiss her cheek

"Scrapple and pancakes, your favorite!" The joy in her face eases some of my anxiety.

"OOO, You're the best. Want me to make you a cup of tea?"

"Please Kam, and I'm sure Eli would like one too." I make 3 cups of tea for the morning tribe. It's quiet around here with just three of us. Being a Monday and everyone working and the kids being at school just means everyone will be here tonight, and I'm throwing a party. A freedom party. An I do, I did, I'm done party. 

Eli comes stumbling upstairs. 

"Mmmm momma, scrapple." I giggle, nothing will ever change, Thirty-Three and still waking up at the smell of food.

"El, do you work today? I would really love for you to come with me today, everyone else is working, and I haven't told Tay I'm back in town."

"Of course baby sister. Anything you need. I'll just call my office and tell them to move my meeting to later this afternoon."

"What's today Kamden?" I frown a bit. Mom has always had a hard time acknowledging what happened.

"I'm signing my divorce papers today, momma." She just looks down at her plate.


"EL, also could you call all the sibs and get them over here tonight? We're partying, IF thats okay with you mom?"

"Of course dear." I clap my hands together. 

"Kam, don't you think you should calm down a bit? I mean, you are getting divorced today."

"Yeah, I know, one of the happiest days of my life. I'm finally going to be free, I can finally put all of this stuff behind me. You know, you could even try to get a hold of Seb, invite him too."

"I like this progress, I'm proud of you." I get up from the table and kiss you cheek and ruffle his hair. 

I run up the stairs to go get a shower and get ready. I throw my wet hair into a ballerina bun. I put on a classy jumpsuit with a blazer, on go some pumps. 

I'm ready. Im finally doing this. 

Done. Divorced. Freed. Set for life. 

The judge pushed for alimony, I didn't want the added paperwork, but it's what the judge wanted me to do, plus now, Eric has to pay me for the next three years. I laugh at myself a bit. 

Eli drives me back home.

"Hey, Kam, want to stop for a beer, on you?" I just laugh at him. 

"Yes of course. Yes, of course I'll buy you a beer." 

He turns into a local spot, we each have 2 beers, we hang out and reminisce, laughing, joking. 

I miss doing this. I miss being home. But I'm so happy with my new life, and where I am mentally now. 

"We should get back, I have to take care of the dogs."

"Yeah of course."

"CONGRADULATIONS" Everyone yells at me as we walk in the house. Lucy hands me cocktail. I check my watch. 

"You guys are the best, but also trying to get me drunk at three pm, wow guys, new record for you." 

everyone drinks, mingles, tells embarrassing stories from the past. Seb isn't here. Which upsets me a bit. Does anyone even know where he is?

"KAMDEN MARIE." oh shit. 

"Hi Taylor." I cringe a bit. I bet she's pissed at me, she sounds pissed at me.

"How could you not tell me you were coming home?"

"I'm so sorry, it was last minute, and I just needed to get some paperwork done."

"Kam. Above all you're my best friend. Just because Eric is my brother, doesn't mean I'm going to take his side. What he did and who he became is totally fucked up and I do not agree with it. I love you, and I will always support all of the decisions you make. And don't worry, I wont tell him where you're living. I haven't even talked to him since. No one in the family has. I think he was right when he said we love you more than him." We hug for a long time. 

"Thanks Tay, I love you too, I'm sorry I didn't call you. I've just been a little stressed about all of this, and then he showed up here last night."

"Wait he did what? How stupid is he? He seriously showed up? How could he have known you were back in town?"

"I'm not sure, I guess he drove by or walked by and he noticed my car, he knocked on the door and started a huge thing. He definitely had been drinking, but, the police were called and oh gosh it all just happened so fast."

"Oh Kam, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, really, because Im FREE! Now, we drink." We both laugh and take a sip of our drink. 

The party goes on and I drink way more than I should. To the point where I text Ben, thankfully, I didn't say anything stupid.

-Hi Ben, I'm really looking forward to that dinner Friday. 

- Hey there pretty lady, as am I, what are you up to this evening? When are you coming home?

-I'll be back tomorrow, maybe, my family threw me a little party tonight and I drank a little too much. I just wanted to say hey, have a good night. 

-I hope you do, maybe I can take you out tomorrow when you get back. 

-Maybe you can ;)

-Goodnight Kam. Sleep tight. Drive safe tomorrow.

-Thank you Ben.

I drift off to sleep. Dreading my long drive back tomorrow. 

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